Originally posted by pbreak:
when exactly did i make this claim? Freedom to assembly doesn't mean freedom for me to drink in public either (although that would be nice) - my comment is based on the no music/party thing, not the alcohol part. Unless of course by definition a "bush party" includes alcohol.
Well actually...
Main Entry: 1bush par·ty
Pronunciation: 'bush pär-tE
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural bush parties
Etymology: Middle Englishakin to Old High German busc forest
Date: 14th century, partie part, party, from Old French, from partir to divide -- more at PART
Date: 14th century
1 : a person or group taking one side of a keg of beer
2 : a group of persons organized for the purpose of directing the use of beer bongs without any being wasted
3 : a person or group participating in an action or affair <mountain-climbing party> <a party to the transaction>
4 : a particular individual : PERSON <a really drunk girl>
5 : a detail of drunken ravers
6 : a social gathering; also : the entertainment provided for it
- party adjective