The site is fucking dumb.
Not cause of the message. Sure, I could understand doing an anti rave site. Why not. Sure it's stupid, hell I hate goths, but I have better things to do then write a fucking page about how i think goths are dumb.
If i was going to write the page, I wouldn't have such stupid concepts and facts.
Point in case.
DRUGS are a part of rave culture and you can`t deny that; there`s no such thing as a rave without drugs. It is a scene that can be destructive when you look deeper into it. The `scene` manipulates people to believe in a fake reality, blinding all by hiding behind a slogan, a marketing strategy- I`m referring to "PLUR," which is scientifically linked to the side effects of MDMA.
Yes that's right, you have all been manituplated to believe raves are real. By the great marketing conspiricy. Yes that's right, all the promoters around the world cared enough to get together and form a secret organization to get the slogan plur.
Also, these raves are a fake reality, what's really going on is that we are sucking the energy from you as you dance, i wasn't supposed to give away this promoter secret, but ah well....
"But I do know one thing... from the first time you take that magical pill, your life will change from the moment it sets on your tongue. " - anonymous (hopefully former) ecstasy user
that's right, an anonymous drug user said this.
I asked an anonymous herion user to describe it for me.
"it's kinda like being a horse"
THat's right, ROCK HARD PROOF, heroin turns you into a horse.
Seriously though, you can find any anonymous idiot to ramble on about any drug.
. There are other alternatives to finding happiness that aren`t artificial or detrimental. What are you left with after the E experience? REALITY.
that's right, they can state the obvious on this site!
after your e's worn off, your not on e anymore!
Sure, it`s the most psychedelic feeling, but once you have experienced something so artificially fantastic, you would be compelled to do it again. There`s no denying it
Actually there is dennying it. I've done in my life 2 caps of e, then never even cared or was drawn to start again.
KNOWN DEATHS (and other interesting events):
Sat July 7, 2001 - Daniel Engson, a 16 year old Asian male, died of an overdose at Digital Nightclub
Mar. 2001 - Death of a young Asian mother in Portland.
Feb. 2001 - Stabbing death at The Docks. Happy Hulabaloo.
Dec. 2000 - drug overdose death of an Asian student in Portland
Dec. 2000 - Biker gang drug bust at Space
Freakin 2000 - No official deaths reported in the media, but witnesses say that there were convulsions and overdoses.
June 2000 - 21 year old Humber College student and (a mother) OD death at Systems, the 7th death of the year connected to E
Early 2000 - shootings at Spincat & Web, not to mention whatever happened at Space
Freakin `99 - at least 1 OD
Hullabaloo (Oct `99) - Ryerson student Alan Ho O.D.
Effective (Aug `99) - O.D. death of a 19 year old Asian high school student, and also a few rapes
3-day rave (July `99) - 1 O.D. death
Bitter Sweet (Feb 99) - attempted rape right before my very eyes, but i was too f*cked on `e` to help
that's right. Althouogh these are all supposed to be deaths...
Anywho's. so what your saying is, when 1000 people get together, fueled by the idea that raves are all about drugs (thanks to sites like this) there will be idiots? And idiots have a tendency to do idiot things? Like over dose? Or stab?
Violence at raves go unreported because gangs and drug dealers end up stabbing each other in the corners...
Yeah this happend to me once, me and Inkster got in a fight, and went into the corner to stab ourselves.
After I was stabbed though, we didn't bother reporting it oor anything it healed itself. And most amazingly there was not blood or anything.
I also love how he keeps saying:
Fight against the rave addiction.
You know, lets fight a worthy addiction, like raves, not bothering with smoking or such...
Raves, that's the boil on society's neck!
He also had some thing about the history of raves, but i refuse to read this because he dosen't grasp the concept of spacing when you write a large essay.
I seriously doubt this guy is attending yale.
Also, he complains about stabings at raves
yet, he listens to rap and hip hop, a culture that likes to boast it's drug use and illegal activities. I can tell you right now that there are more stabbings at rap related gatherings around north america then these secret stabbings at raves.