Originally Posted by Senior
The US constantly threatens us over our "liberal" drug policies. The reality is though that they are not going to stop buying our electricity, wood or other products becuase we legalize marijuana. At a certain point when you grow up you have to stop being scared of your big brother.
They stopped buying our beef based on zero facts, the truth is it worth making the states angry at us? They will be petty and they have done it in the past, two prime examples, the ban on candian beef for awhile and the softwood lumber incident. Until we find a partner as large as the states we are going to bow to their pressure. Sure they won't stop buying but they may tax the shit out of us...
Originally Posted by Senior
It's not meant to fix the problem of addiction. If you call this sweeping it under the rug than what do you call junkies shooting up in alley ways with rain water????? Getting people into the health care system for their drug addiction is a positive step towards them looking at rehab. Putting people into the criminal justice system for having a disease just doesn't make sense.
hey i'm all for this idea, its the general public thats going to think that way.
Originally Posted by Senior
This arguement reminds me of when a little kid when questioned about their actions responds "because." You are not providing any reason or justification for why drugs are illegal or why that money is best spent in that way.
I don't know why these drugs are illegal(besides the old protecting the population routine), cigs and booze do just as much damage, hell they kill more. The facts are, they are illegal at the moment and if you break the law you will be punished.