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Great: Bush seeks Iran regime change
Here we go again...
http://news.google.ca/news?num=30&hl...&start=30&sa=N Lets hope this moron doesnt get re-elected... if he does i'll have a lot less respect for your average American |
Word. I mean shit, has anyone heard Kerry speak? This guy has his shit together to no end. War hero, civil activist, Democrat, and someone who is actually in touch with the world....He's an ideal candidate for the US presidency. This is a no brainer - the question is are Americans brain-less?
Ive seen some evidence to support it on national tests, but nothing recent |
If the US decides to attack a country like Iran, it will not take much:
1st, they put their fingers on a given subject. like: Tehran - Iran acknowledged on Sunday that suspected al-Qaeda members involved in the September 11, 2001, attacks may have passed through its territory, but insisted they would have done so "illegally". 2nd, they propagate an aknowledgment like :After September 11, we reinforced our border controls. But before September 11, who knew what was going to happen?" Asefi asserted. 3rd, they attack with or without UN's involvement. The US has been planning to attack Iran for quiet some time now. I remember last year the US claimed that Anthrax came from Shiraz (a city in Iran)..? a little follow up from the news discussed that Britain had rejected this. |
Kerry'll probably get assassinated if he gets elected. I wouldn't be suprised in the least. |
Agreed. Sad, but true. Good thing he's a war hero. Maybe he'll be the first president to go all commando and kick some assassin ass! |
Why are canadians always whining about what bush is doing and ragging on americans.......
Unless ur american id say its none of ur business...and its not.... god i hate how everyone jumps on a damn "lets hate americans" bandwagon arrrrrrrrg i was just there and the american people seemed to be more friendly and stuff then canadians it just gets me ...we all know hes an idiot but him being an idiot isnt directly affecting us other then fucking up our boarders now everyone can yell at me weeeeeeeeeeeee I LOVE AMERICA! lol |
Its easy to pick on the Americans thats why Canadians do it. Its similiar to how everyone hates the English in the UK. I agree 90% of the Americans I meet are super nice. But to say its none of our buisness is incorrect, its everyones buisness, the decisions that are made by the US affect everyone. The biggest thing with Canada is it is easy for us to sit back and think we are all great and stuff but the fact is our decisions on global politics don't make very much of an impact compared to the worlds super powers such as the US and the UK. Canada just doesn't share the same responsibilities as the US or other countries with power. I agree, unfortunately that it seems the US educational system needs a major overhaul. The majority of people I have worked with in the US that have post secondary education agree that Bush needs to be stopped.
Sherbear, it's not really stupid Americans, other than the fact that they vote for really stupid people.
It's only 55% of the Americans that vote (only 40% vote) that are stupid.... well wait a second.... if the 60% that dont vote dont vote for someone other than a guy like Jeb Bush, George HW Bush, George W Bush.... I guess that makes it 87% of Americans that are stupid. But the 13% who actually have a brain on their shoulders and go out and do whatever they can to try to not have an ignorant leader.... I'm sure they are very nice and smart people? I guess thats the nice thing about a democratic society? If someone votes to have an ignorant leader, or fails to vote against them, they can also be called dumb as a post. I longtemps pour la dictature ! Je manque mon naievity! De cette façon je ne serai pas critiqué pour choisir un chef qui est un ignorant, individu servant le moron stupide ! [?] :D |
its increasingly likely that there will be a regime change in iran....a great proportion of the of the population of iran is under 30, and there not as big on theocracy as previous generations.
whichis an explanation for why the governing clerics eliminated like reformist 1300 M.Ps off the voting lists for their last election. |
FYI: cheney and rumsfeld belong to a think tank that strongly promotes regime change in iraq, iran and syria to promote both stability in the middle east as well as continued american dominance in the region....
also FYI iran has a hell of alot more people, money, better/bigger armed forces then iraq as well as shitloads of mountains. the americans would have a hard time fighting them even if they call a draft. |