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  #1 (permalink)  
Old Nov 29, 02
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soul mates?

does any one believe in soul mates? i personally think most people just end up settling for each other. think about how big the world is, and how many people you never meet in your life.

is it actually possible to meet the person you are meant to be with that lives just a few minutes from you? i guess it sort of matters if you believe in fate or not.

i just think its depressing to see so many people who seem to just be settling for each other, maybe there is some one out there that can make you so much happier, and you'll never get the chance to find them.

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  #2 (permalink)  
Old Nov 29, 02
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thats so true..
sumtimez i think people are just together becuz its convenient.
i mean im sure there are some exceptions but for the most part most people will never meet there "soul mate"
i mean for all i know mine cood be some random perosn in like...germany????
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old Nov 29, 02
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Originally posted by sebcoe
think about how big the world is, and how many people you never meet in your life.
well if you believe in fate, destiny, and "soulmates" then under the basis of your beliefs, all those people in the world were never meant to meet you and you were never meant to meet them.

so unless you were destined to never meet your soulmate, then fate should have it that you WILL run into your soulmate one way or another. and maybe, JUST MAYBE!!! you were "DESTINED" to settle with that person. THAT'S THE KINDA PERSON YOUUUUUU WERE DESTINED TO BE!!! the boy who settled for the fat chick with herpes.

so when you say it's sad to see all these people who are settling with other people just cuz they're too lazy to look for a soulmate. THINK AGAIN OK. cuz destiny [if i believed in it] IS EVERYTHING!!! not just 1 part of something. if you believe in destiny, then you have to believe that EVERYTHING HAPPENS FOR A REASON. not just running into your soulmate.

but "soulmate" is just a word for 15 year old boys who need a quick excuse as to why they've got their hands down their classmate's pants.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old Nov 29, 02
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i think you might be my soul mate bob?

lets put our hands down each others pants?
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old Nov 29, 02
i really look like this!
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I some what agree with you. I think that a lot of people go through many different relationships, and from each one learns a thing or two about themselves, about their needs, and what they would like in a partner. In doing so, they create "guidelines" of their wants and needs, and settle down with some one that fulfills them in as many ways as possible. I think that it's kind of instinctive for us to search for a partner that we can see ourselves being with for a longer period of time. In a scientific sense, looking for some one you can see yourself building a future with, settling down with, perhaps a family rah rah. procreate blahhblahhh

Some people don't need to go through many relationships to settle down with "the one", if they are lucky. (haha) but some people wander around looking for their "perfect mate". Either way, I think that a "soul mate" is just another word for some one who you are compatible with, and can see yourself with for a long period of time...

The term probably applies more to people who are looking for a long term-relationship and eventually plan on settling down though.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old Nov 29, 02
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Originally posted by sebcoe
i think you might be my soul mate bob?

lets put our hands down each others pants?
oh great now i have to go all the way back to snyx's house to get my pants if we're going to do that ... i'm sorry, i don't have any others. i will try to hurry SOUL MATE
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old Nov 30, 02
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you wanna hear about soul mates???

i work w/ a dude who has been w/ his dudette since they were fifteen years old, and they're 30 or something now!
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old Nov 30, 02
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my parents have been together since they were 13 or so, and they're 49 now

i don't know if theyre soul mates though, i think they both just like booze !
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old Nov 30, 02
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I met my soulmate at a rave. He said we knew each other in our past life when we were snails. We're in love.
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old Nov 30, 02
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Originally posted by sebcoe

i just think its depressing to see so many people who seem to just be settling for each other, maybe there is some one out there that can make you so much happier, and you'll never get the chance to find them.

OMG I couldn't agree more. Well I believe in soul mates. And I refuse to settle...... REFUSE! I rather not have a boyfriend till I'm 25 than settle. Even if my mum does think I'm crazy. I don't understand the people who settle. Is it that important to be with someone that you go for someone who only kinda makes you happy? What's the fun in that?
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  #11 (permalink)  
Old Nov 30, 02
i *DO NOT* think so!
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Originally posted by stabmyhead:
I met my soulmate at a rave. He said we knew each other in our past life when we were snails. We're in love.
uh oh...i hope it wasn't the same guy at the rave party who told me we were in a 3 pack of tighty whitey fruit of the looms in our past life!

tee hee...that made me giggle, stabbers. hi!

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  #12 (permalink)  
Old Nov 30, 02
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i think the world is my soul mate *skips through fields of dasies*
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old Nov 30, 02
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I think that there are two people who are created to be a perfect match, but that it's up to them to find each other, or to settle with something not as good.

I don't believe that there is "destiny" or "fate". I believe that if you do truly do have a soul mate, you may or may not find him/her, depending on solely the direction you take in your life, where you travel, etc. Based on one's decisions, one may or may not find his/her soul mate.

It only seems logical to me that, genetically speaking, out of some 6+ billion people, two people would be created so genetically alike that it would seem as though they were engineered to be almost perfectly compatible.

On the other hand, I also believe that there's no sense in "waiting around" for your "soul mate". There are plenty of loving, wonderful people out there, and it's your job to go out and find one who you can be happy with. Only through relationship trials and tribulations can one have the proper experiences to determine what he/she wants in a partner.
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old Dec 01, 02
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I don't believe there is only one specific soulmate for each person. That to me seems a little far fetched. I believe in kindred spirits :) People who just mesh with you so well, and when you meet them, it's like you've known them forever. They are rare, but I have been blessed in my life to have met a few. They are the ones that turn into life long friends. I'm talking about people in general here, not necessarily a romantic situation.
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old Dec 04, 02
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I don't really beleive in soul mates.
My parents have been married over 25 years, but my dad once told me, no matter how much i love your mom, if we ever broke up I'm sure we'd both eventually move on and find someone else, and it's true.
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  #16 (permalink)  
Old Dec 04, 02
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Why does a "soul mate" necessarily have to be some form of romantic/sexual realtionship? Can't a "soul mate" be simply a friend? I have a best friend who means the world to me and if anyone I've met thus far in my life were my soul mate it would be him. I have another friend who understands me like no one else ever has and we think exactly alike... just because we aren't in an intimate relationship does that mean she could be any less of a "soul mate" to me?

I don't really believe there's is just ONE person I'm meant to feel that form of closeness to in my life... but then again in a way I do believe that given the sheer number of people in the world that there MUST be someone who's just like me... but would I necessarily want to spend the rest of my life with someone who was exactly like me? No. I think it's the little differences in people that bring them together. Why be with someone who'll never surprise you... who's exactly like you in every minute way... I think it would drive me crazy.

I don't believe I'm settling for someone when I get into a relationship with them. In fact I think that's a very poor attitude to maintain if you're getting involved with someone or staying with them... you should be with them because you want to and because they make your life that much better. I'm with that person because they make my happy. Granted things may or may not work out between us in the long run but why not share love and happiness with that one person? So what if it lasts a few months... years... or decades. I don't think it's necessarily the time that's so important... I think it's the emotions involved. Every serious relationship I've been in has been special to me and will remain to be so even if they aren't my "soul mate".

What if my "soul mate" is some sheep herder in New Zealand named Franklin who lives in some remote lil village inhabitant by a mere 200 people? Realistically am I ever going to meet Franklin? I highly doubt it. Do I want to wait around my whole life in hopes he'll find me? Or search the world over for him and watch my life fade away? No. I want to be happy in the present while I'm alive, young, and able to enjoy it to the full extent... not in a dream that will cause me to grow old and die alone from a fruitless search never knowing what it was like to love someone.

If you want to wait for your "soul mate" and not experience life and figure out what you need and deserve in life so be it... have fun... and I wish you the best of luck. Me I'm gonna love and be happy whenever I can even if I get my heartbroken a thousand times because at least I'll know what it was like to feel so deeply for someone... that and I'll have learned something from all those relationships and better be able to find true happiness with someone.
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  #17 (permalink)  
Old Dec 06, 02
sooo fucken ugly
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I definately agree with what you're saying.

I think most people end up settling, that is why there are so many divorces in the world. Most relationships that I've seen have happened because
1. They thought the other one was attractive.
2. They made out while they were intoxicated.
3. He/She was the only one that liked them.

I remember one of my friend's mom telling her son, "If I just had more self confidence when I was younger, I probably wouldn't have married your father"
it was funny watching the fathers facial reaction to that comment...
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  #18 (permalink)  
Old Dec 06, 02
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^^ Rhianna

I know how you feel, settling just doesn't seem worth it, I'd rather be free than just settle for someone who isn't gonna make me happy.
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  #19 (permalink)  
Old Dec 06, 02
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lucy is an unknown quantity at this point
Originally posted by Klaus
I think most people end up settling, that is why there are so many divorces in the world. Most relationships that I've seen have happened because
1. They thought the other one was attractive.
2. They made out while they were intoxicated.
3. He/She was the only one that liked them.

I remember one of my friend's mom telling her son, "If I just had more self confidence when I was younger, I probably wouldn't have married your father"
it was funny watching the fathers facial reaction to that comment...
That is so sad. :(
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