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Punching Bag Bitch, cry and whine your way into oblivion.

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  #1 (permalink)  
Old May 16, 04
FNK Soccer Player
Join Date: Sep 2003
little_persia is an unknown quantity at this point
Got jumped at studio 54...

So I'm walking outta the club with my friends after having an ok drinking spree at 54, I'm walking up to the stairs that lead through the alley beside church *if anyone knows the area they know where I mean*...

I glance down while I'm walking and see this guy like step in from the side into my way and before I know it I feel something hit the back of my head. I look up and there is 3 guys *that by the way I've never seen in my life* are trying to corner me in the alley and their pickin' a fight for ABSOLUTELY NO REASON...and I mean none...I never met him, not at the club...nowhere...just idiots that decided to swing at me and my friend RIGHT BESIDE A POLICE STATION....so by the time I manage to evade their cornering attempt and gather up my friends in the parking lot, the entire crew from the club *including the owner* and 4 cop cruisers roll up in an instant....so we still try to fight our way through the bouncers and see why these guys are being so cocky...and for all I cared I wanted there to be cops so I could make a scene and ruin their nite as much as they were trying to ruin mine...*which again to remind u was for no damn good reason at all*

Just cocky drunks that think their smart by picking fights with ppl they don't absolutely know infront of a police station...shows u what kinda dorks those guys were...they thought I guess there was only me and my buddy...little did they know, I'm aquainted with the bouncers at the club and I had 6 friends in the parking lot behind me...didn't come to a huge scrap though cause the owner I guess didn't want 'another' bad publicity report infront of his club...the bouncers shoved me in my friends car and told us just to leave it at that....

Couple minutes later in the car...I felt like I was about to explode cause I didn't get to unload on that loser that swung at me....I mean who the hell do ppl think they are swinging random fists at strangers...like go get a hobby man instead of loitering outside bars, attacking unsuspecting ppl minding their own business...
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old May 16, 04
....fucking evol
Join Date: Feb 2004
neoh will become famous soon enough
I had something like that happen to me here in Mission. Walked down a street in the middle of nowhere, minding my own business, and I see this van coming up ahead, it stops beside me and this native fellow comes out and tells me to get in the van. I was like "uh, no." So then he beefed and baffled about how he needs to "take me back" all I see is the bright light of a right cross against my skull. The only difference between you and me is, I beat him to a bloody fucking pulp and kept on my way.

I found out he actually died in a car accident a few weeks later. Drinking and driving.

- neoh
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old May 17, 04
Celebrate or Suffer
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yeah man thats bullshit on friday some guys tried to pick a fight with me when i was walking through the park with my girlfriend..

dont worry there just hurting losers with nothing to be proud of except for how tough they think they are.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old May 17, 04
mapleleaf4ever's Avatar
sweet sensi crew
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persia man... my buddy used to live in an Apartment right behind 54. We'd sit and watch the fights all the time from his patio. Saw a couple good ones, like 14 cops, people running everywhere. Good times. I love New West... never a dull moment, just dull witted people. :D
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old May 17, 04
Join Date: May 2003
Tattoology is an unknown quantity at this point
That's why I always skate at night. I'll smash their face inwards and then skate away.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old May 17, 04
FNK Soccer Player
Join Date: Sep 2003
little_persia is an unknown quantity at this point
Originally Posted by mapleleaf4ever
persia man... my buddy used to live in an Apartment right behind 54. We'd sit and watch the fights all the time from his patio. Saw a couple good ones, like 14 cops, people running everywhere. Good times. I love New West... never a dull moment, just dull witted people. :D

Dull witted people is right man...know who u picking a fight with man...there was a max. of maybe 5 of them I know more ppl at that club than at any club in the lowermainland...like that's where I least expected to get jumped...when I'm elsewhere I always keep an eye out man....these idiots didn't know who they were dealing with. They wouldn't fight when we had even amount of ppl on each side...two of my friends went after those big guys and they pretended like they had nothing to do with it. They kept asking my friends why they walking up to them...I was yellin' at that guy, telling him to tell me his name...I'm like: " If you so tough to swing at me tell me who the fuck I'm fighting cause I don't even know ur ugly ass ". That's one of the only lines I clearly remember cause it made the bouncers and some ppl standing by like totally crack up.

I guess they would just get shut down *studio 54* if I filed some kinda report with the cops, cause they got all sorta fights happening there all the time...just never thought I would have would be involved cause I have so many friends there...anyway, now that I'm sober I realize buddy barely scratched me on the back of the head behind the left ear...his right was more accurate and landed a little on me but he was swinging at my friend right after with his left and he missed that...I gotta little swelling but thats all....

I just remember wanting to go right back through the alley from the top street and 'surprising' them while they getting in their cars...maybe smash a rock or two through their windshields too...

But its all woulda, coulda, shoulda....I'm ma leave it at that nothing happened to me but something will happen to that fag when I see him at a club or somewhere someday...he'll be spittin' out beer bottle glass that I'll lodge in his head and face...
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old May 17, 04
Recovering Raver
Join Date: Oct 2001
kandy kid is an unknown quantity at this point
Yeah stupid idiots who want to fight for no reason! Let's beat the fuck outta them next time we see them and show em who's boss!
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