Sexy cartoon voices...
Well every cartoon character's voice is a person right? These are people who are probably too ugly to be actors, so they do voice-overs. Anywho, sometimes there is a cartoon voice that just gets your motor running. My personal favorites are:
Jessica Rabbit - She looks, sounds and just plain is, scrum-diddly-umptious!
Holly Wood (from the movie cool world) - goddamm she's hot and oh so seductive *rowr*
Goliath from the cartoon "Gargoyles" - There is also some guy on the Discovery channel that sounds exactly like him, in fact it may be him but he's talking about the mating patterns of the mexican girraffe or something.
Optimus Prime from the original Transformers cartoon - His voice is so powerful, rough and if he were to spank my ass and call me his little chimpy-chimp, I'd probably soak my shorts then and there.