go buy two cans of butane find a cylinder of some kind piece of pipe ect. cap both ends of the pipe. drill or poke 1 hole at one end of the pipe and poke 5 or 6 at the other end. Now find a piece of ply-wipes/coffe filter/piece of clothe and put it on the inside part of the end with 5 holes. Bust up ur dope or shake and put it into the tube. Take a can of butane and put it in the side with on hole and spray the can out do this with the other also. While doing this hold the tube over a glass bowl. When all the butane has dripped into the bowl go to a sink fill it with 1inch of warm water and place the bowl in it. The butane will evaporate in 2min and u will be left with the best honey oil. U can also still smoke the bud and get high.