Originally posted by Anthony
A friend of mine told me that a friend of his does shrooms and then runs into the forrest for several hours hunting imaginary deer with a stick rifle. No Joke.
one time on serious acid i went running through the ubc endowment lands and thought my friends were hunting me.. i would go running through the forest and as the tree branches brushed against my goretex jacket they made a sort of swishing sound that to me was the kind of sound a snake would make as it wriggled across your body.. i thought i had snakes all over me and turning to brush them off yielded more swishing noises and more snakes. hee hee oh dear. and then my friends would approach to stop me screaming but of course they were hunting me and so off running i'd go, swish swish swish. snakes. hunted. run. swish. more snakes... eep.
good times, i tell ya.