If you continue to do ecstacy, or rather what you are buying as ecstacy, in such large amounts, you are going to do more serious damage to your body. I highly recommend if you are so inclined to take pills, that you take no more than three in any given night. Depending on whether you've eaten, whether you've been drinking before hand, the composition of the drug, and a whole lot of other factors, the drug may hit you differently, or not at all, or in some cases ALL AT ONCE (which can make for a very scary loss of control).
Continuing to take more and more pills will not only drain more serotonin faster, but will also mean that you will probably have to do MORE drugs the next time to feel the same euphoric effects. By no means am I an expert on drugs and I don't claim to be, but please remember, "all good things in moderation". The last thing the scene (or what's left of it) needs is one more o.d. resulting in death.
Forgive me for being blunt but you honestly don't know what is in these "blue airplanes" and the next time you buy "blue airplanes" they'll probably have a different composition. Maybe the first time they were cut w/ ephedrine. So, of course you did 10 last weekend, because they're basically worthless. Maybe next time they'll be pure MDA, in which case 10 pills at any given time could render you comatose or worse. So just limit yourself, okay?
Take a cap, wait a few hours, nothing happens, take another. And stop there. You're still not high? Did you get shitty E? Who cares? Enjoy the music and better luck next time. Maybe try not drinking before hand next time. The point is if nothing is happening after 2 or 3 pills, you're either too drunk to feel euphoric, you just swallowed 2 or 3 tylenols and got duped, or you've done so many drugs, that 2 or 3 caps is the equivalent of smoking a joint.
If people played it smart like this then the individuals who died at Spooky 7 @ the PNE might still be with us today. For god's sake, its not cool to say you can do THIS MANY pills and still drive home. I have a lot more respect for people who do one or don't do any at all and still have the time of their lives.
I'm not dissing you or anything, tekno_balla, and I don't mean to get preachy but I just recommend slowing down a bit, dude. This thread has probably been done a thousand times on fnk and if everyone heeded the message, then raves in Vancouver would be a lot better for it.
On a side note, BLUE AIRPLANES? What kind of a stupid name for a pill IS that?