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  #1 (permalink)  
Old Dec 12, 02
Join Date: Dec 2001
*STARFISH* is on a distinguished road
post your chills 2 experience

(fishy and miska)
ok, so we and junglet and ldub were chattin about this....

inspired by "the biggest gong-show of this year" post (or whatever the heck it was called) we decided to make a collective of stories about everyones experience!! so we'll start OK... :

I will share my experiences first. this is miska btw.
First of all, it took 47823917489 hours to get there. the place i set up my tent happened to be inbetween all 3 stages so at any given point in time you were listening to 3 different tracks. I tried to drink but for some reason the alcohol just would stay down and i puked on contact. hahahha oh shit bad memories.
for me the party didn't get started till the morning when the sun came up, exposing all the sketched out people. Oliver was rambling on about seeing ogres and lemurs in the trees, courtney was freaking out because apparently it was snowing. Myles and I took a walk to the hippie party on the other beach where we ran into this girl that really needed to pee. we told her to go in the bushes, but according to her, her boyfriend was doing SOMETHING in there and she didn't want to go near the bushes. then she proceeded to give us the biggest crackhead hippie menthol smokes that we have ever seen.
Walking back to the cars was quite the journey. Cocoz, bless her soul, thought we were going through a blizzard. "ITS SNOWING GUYS OMG SNOW!!". hahhahhahah driving back out of that road was just intense. Caitlin with no license driving olivers van. ooohhhh man. hahahhahaha.
sketchdonalds whut? courtney, was i with you when we couldn't find anyone, but they were behind the fireplace in mcdicks [because you know the squamish mcdonalds has a fireplace]?
yeah well anyways, good times. hahha and thats all im gonna say about THAT.
Chills 3 whut?

fishy's experience...:
only reason i went was to check out k-prydes set (because i *heart him OK) but i think i actually missed it.
as soon as we (finally) got there after listening to bad boy bill and dj rectangle...
i decided i was gonna drink (sean!'s melon liquor) which was stupid, cuz i landed up puking on a tree, opposite conor who witnessed the whole thing.
we decided to go back to conor's car where the two of us listened to trance and slept the whole night through.
in the morning, haha squamish mcdix..
olivers car wouldnt stop... i think i had some starbucks, typical :silly:
and then i drove conors car ALL the way back to north van, cuz he had to drive olivers van, cuz he was in NO condition to drive.
everyone was asleep in the car, aside myles who was sketchin out to the windshield wipers and was constantly harping me to turn them off (it was raining on the sea to sky.... mmm.. smart...)
and ya.
thats about it. mmmm

your story sucks fishey. hahaha
sean your melon liquor was the shit. haha you downed that whole fucking bottle and then gave it to me to do who knows what with.
oh and haydn and caitlin passed out in my tent sleeping was fun. "oh hey guys.. sorry.. go back to sleep".
HAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAH before the party.. @ timmy hos with scott and his straw.... LOL fuck I just remembered that.
I must have slept the whole way back because i really do not remember this whole windshield wiper episode. hahahha
we were all crowded around some ghetto little fire outside of Adam's car too, where bev was passed out. ahhahahhaa. cupcakes ? lauren did you bring cupcakes? i remember not being able to eat one because i had just vomited. lol
and riel threatening sebcoe... holy shit that was too funny. jim you were doing some crazy monkey dance and pretending to be a raver or something. RAVE PLUR.

OK my story sooo doesnt suck
i listened to slinky planet australia OK so there.
oh ya. i also remember sean..i dunno if he was wearing a shirt or not..
but he tripped over a cooler and yelled out
or something to that extent.

^^ werd.
that is all.
[miska out]

[uh i guess im out too. peace y0. fishy]
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old Dec 12, 02
Join Date: Dec 2001
sebcoe is an unknown quantity at this point
all i remember is a big green booger coming out of a certain some ones nose. drinking endless amounts of beer. getting chased by jadon in circles for 30 minutes, and this picture of my buddy on the left looking like he should be on a short little yellow bus, and me giving a thumbs up sign. i guess that means i was happy. THUMBS UP BUDDY

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  #3 (permalink)  
Old Dec 12, 02
blest w/ chest
Join Date: Jun 2001
frogprincess is a jewel in the roughfrogprincess is a jewel in the roughfrogprincess is a jewel in the rough
^^^ that looks like a sideways thumb!

you're in the krew!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old Dec 12, 02
Celebrate or Suffer
Join Date: Nov 2001
SEAN! is a glorious beacon of lightSEAN! is a glorious beacon of lightSEAN! is a glorious beacon of lightSEAN! is a glorious beacon of lightSEAN! is a glorious beacon of lightSEAN! is a glorious beacon of lightSEAN! is a glorious beacon of light
well...first thing i remember is trying to start my dad's suburban and find the back row of seats so i can fit my 6 or sven friends that wanted to come, as my car only seats five. well i never did find the back row of seats, and my dad's truck wouldn't start so all the stressing was for nothing. Anyway we pack my car and go to the burgerking on main because we have to pick up some people. by this time it was 10:00 at night and allready dark so im stressing about the drive on the sea to sky since i don't like that road at all. anyways, we pick up people and drop people off, now i have a normal amount of people in my car, and a whole bunch of pot and booze, so i take the lions gate bridge and we're off. we get to squamish and get onto that road that leads to the logging road. on this road theres about five cars ahead of us full of sketchy ravers going up to the party. and since im a fuckin maniac and has been driving at 130km/h the entire time, im kind of pissed that im stuck behind these grandmas that are only going 30 over the limit. anyway in a daring monevoure i pass these guys going insanely fast, the passangers in my car thought we were gonna die, it was fun. anyway i go through a roadblock and get to logging road, and im going pretty fast so i pass a couple of cars and end up being greated by nolan and kevin. park my car, get my booze and im ready to party....its now about 11:30. first things first i had a bottle of knockoff alize...i crack her open and start to drink, pretty soon im finished it only after letting christine michelle and chi chi michelle all have some drinks from it. then tony got some chocolate covered mush from some hippie dude. i eat that shit too. i listen to most of k-prydes set as more and more fnk'ers show up. then connor and crew show up and i go up to the logging road to great them, by this time im FUCKED, and the mushrroms are agrovating my stomach so i end up puking near connor's car....it was fun...then i hear and old prodigy track being droped so i fuckin bust it to the main stage and begin to bust. afterwrads i decide its a good idea to wash the puke outta my mouth by drinkin some hineken..so i drink 2 or three i can't really remember, i brougth a six pack up and it was gone by the end of the night...i had some help finishing it, fuckin erin and amber jacked me..them ho's, never trust no one from newton ok. anyway from that point on most of the night was a blur..i remember falling down a couple of times and having caitlin try and pick me up..only to fall out of my chair again. then i rememebr being anger for some reason so i take my empty alize bottle and start hitting shit with it. then i smoked a whole bunch of pot with giancarlo, martin, the coq boys, and a bunch of FnK'ers. then i remember taking off my shirt and going off to marky mark's set. i remember talking to a really high myles, and a super fucked courtney, who was talking ill shit about yellow pacmans..i fuckin love yellow pacmans....anyway it was a gong show, one of the few times ive been falling down drunk. in the morning i met sebcoe...that guy is fuckin hilarious. i was still drunk at like 7am..i waited a few more hours and left about the same time caitlin and connor did. i remember courtney saying when we came out to the logging road "what the fuck? is it snowing guys." it was 22 degrees and sunny. i got in the swedish tank and went to go home, kenji and tony were in my car. at this point connor and caitlin had about five minutes on me down the logging road. i turned around..yelled some stupid shit at jose and started on my way. i passed both connor and caitlin in oliver's minivan in less then a minute. i was absolutely flying down that logging road. its 36 miles long which is about 55km. i was off that road and half way to squamish in around 10 minutes...thats how fast i was going....i lost control once and almost ate a piece of the moutain..it was cool. a couple other times i ended up getting sideways which was alot of fun. through out most of this tony and kenji were passed out in my car. on the see to sky i feel asleep a copuple of times, waking up just as i was about to hit a curve or go into the other lane..it was pretty frightening. so i got off at lonsdale and got me some expresso at the gasstation on lonsdale and 23rd. since i work a block away from this gasstation it was a sad reminder that i had to wake up at 6 in the morning the next day...fun.

i went to sleep a couple hours then picked my parents up from the airport at five...it was fun

god was with me that day.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old Dec 12, 02
did you know i miss you?
Join Date: May 2001
LoveKat is an unknown quantity at this point
chills 2 was the party where linds and i decided to reinvent ourselves as newbies. rave on!

we met up on georgia street and caught the west van bus to the checkpoint. i bought a ticket off some fag and we waited. and waited. and waited. then we smoked. and waited. and waited. linds was told that there was a shuttle bus and that the party was going to go off. the kids at the checkpoint were hyper and some of them were hawt so we really wanted to go. when they started piliing into cabs to mile 36, we were tempted to join them. the idea of spending a hoard of cash on getting to a $10 party and risking not being able to get home wasn't a good enough idea for us though. so instead we caught a bus back downtown, bought soda pop and jane mag, geeked out on the net for a bit, and then fell asleep watching Encino Man on tv.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old Dec 12, 02
break dance, not hearts
Join Date: Sep 2001
bebu*funfun will become famous soon enough
umm... here i go

i was in seattle during the day at a stupid wedding that was at a house.. didn't have a good time..didn't even shop in seattle which made me really mad. came back across the border around 6ish and wanted to drop by fun in the sun. omega picked me up and went to the beach place.. helped clean up. and last minute decided to go to chills with filo, tim, and adam... i was TIRED as hell already. went pretty much to see martin's set and get some alchy in my system. LONGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG drive there....didn't think we were gonna make it. when we did i already drank lots and passed out for an hour or so.. blazed with teh crew and fell asleep again while gaurding lenny ford's rekkid bag. saw sean runnin around naked...courtney hugged me every 5 mins... the fire was goin out. i stole lotsa torches things and ran... i duno y. it was a big blur...listened to martins set for a few mins when suv- do u remember was on.. morning hit.. wanted to get outta there asap and i did. wtf happened that nite? it was rowdy and scary
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old Dec 12, 02
Join Date: Jan 2002
Moon is an unknown quantity at this point
that was a fucked up night. haha

i got off work at 10 tired as fuck, met up with colin and prepared for the long trip.... but then we realized the roof on his car wasnt anywhere to be found... but i guess it didnt matter to us since it was a summer night and we wouldnt get too cold anyways.... but when we got on the fuckin dirt road... it was hours of dust building up inside the car cuz we didnt have a fuckin roof for the car... fuckin SUCKED! so we get to the party glad that we could get some fresh air from the horrible car ride... finding that the place was a fuckin dust bowl.... so i got to the dj tent thinking i was playing at 12 but then found out it was changed to 5 fuckin am... and whoever was supposed to be playing then wasnt even there. great. so i tagged with global and the lsd crew dude for a bit... then noticed everytime i took out a record, it was instantly covered with a layer of dust. so yeah spun for a bit then took out the beers from the cooler and just got fuckin HAMMERED! hahaha then i remember smokin weed with too many different people and by the time it was 5 i was FUCKED. hahaha i dunno if it was all that dust that got me even more fucked but damn i was messed. hahaha so i had no idea what the fuck i was doing on the decks and it was dark as well so i couldnt see the mixer either. hahaha whoohoo but whatever it was fun i guess

then the drive back.... even more dust. fuck once we got to mcdicks in squmaish and ate a few breakfast burrito meals and hashbrowns awww man it hit the spot =) but damn that was a messed up night. hahaha but i guess i had fun in the end
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old Dec 12, 02
my boo
Join Date: Jan 2002
*Caitlin* is an unknown quantity at this point
ok where to start. me, courtney, haydn and oliver head up there in his minvan rite form fun in the sun. obviously we got lost and ended up n the other side of the river where we had led a parade of cars up there with us. so we all had to turn around and head back over. then when we got to the part we found michelle and christine and dumped our shit in their tent. then i tried to get my drink on but failed. luckily walking back to get some pop, i tripped over something and landed on all fours. turning around i notice that it was sean. so i pick hium up and prop him in a nearby chair. not half an hour later, i find him dancing around half naked, so i drag him back to the tent where i proceed to cover him in some random shirt. fine. done. NOT. well then the rest fo the night flew by and realize that its about 9:30 am. courtney then gets chased around by jadon who is trying to hump her and when he gets close enough he whips down his pants. i was close to peeing myself. seriously. then jim and i came across some raver, who will remain nameless, and he went off about how hardcore he was. then 10:30 came along. i finally forced our friends to leave and get the shit out of there. then it struck me. oliver was in absolutely no state to drive. this is where i come in. i have no license and will never because im a horrible driver. low and behold, i end up driving home. and the car wouldnt turn off and courtney was yelling random words and mc'ing. yes folks " can i selectah selectah some icecream" was actually said. the funnyiest part was how courtney was telling us how she smoked something out of a big glass pipe and how it wasnt weed. and how they were hallucinating, literally. being the only sober one there, and probably at the party, i was scared for my life. it was so much fun.. Chills 3 massive reprazent. that was an experience i will never forget.
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old Dec 12, 02
Join Date: Apr 2001
M!SKA has a spectacular aura aboutM!SKA has a spectacular aura about
omfg i forgot about that.
cocoz i love you
HAHAHHAHAH and jadon with his pants around his ankles. holy fuck. ahhahahahha
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old Dec 12, 02
Bark if you're a nark.
Join Date: Aug 2002
waimea is an unknown quantity at this point
When I first got there I was really tired for some reason and I just chilled in my tent for a little while. I then consumed a yellow pacman and things started to get pretty interesting. I was tripping out for a good few hours, seeing and hearing things. I met some friends that I had no idea were coming out and we went down to the river. I had the intention of filling up a water bottle but when I got down to the river back all I saw were these gross leech-like creatures everywhere. My friend was getting some water into his bottle and I was begging him to stop cause I saw all the leeches crawling on his bottle and shit. He's like "dude you're trippin", and it took me a good few minutes to convince myself that those creatures were not infact there, but it was the deceiving pacmans instead. Morning came and I remeber some lady from the party down the way with a giant hoola-hoop just going off new age style. That was funny!. Listened to some music and then had a sketchy nap in my tent before starting the seemingly endless drive home. Awesome night though!
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  #11 (permalink)  
Old Dec 12, 02
Extra Crispy Beats
Join Date: Dec 2001
oliver is an unknown quantity at this point
i think i'll just leave it at whats already been said. theres no use digging myself deeper here =P

the worst moment of my life...squamish timmy hoes (i dont even know what timmy hoes stands for anymore, whats the real name?) and my car WOULD NOT stop. i dont mean it wouldnt park. it parked fine. but yet, no matter me taking the keys out of the ignition and turning the car off the engine kept turning and making loud noises and "grrrrrr"ing at me.... oh man, sketiest moment ever. i thought the engine was going to blow up.

but yah. CHILLZ 3 REPRAZENT. swear to god it better be just as crazy, cause if its not im going to feel forced to be crazier to make up for it. and caitlin, we'll find a differerent unlicensed driver to steer us down the logging road in the morning....whew...
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old Dec 12, 02
Join Date: Dec 2001
Dj_K2 is an unknown quantity at this point
Chills 3 WHUT!
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old Dec 12, 02
Join Date: Dec 2001
sebcoe is an unknown quantity at this point
selectah selectah some ice cream, ahahaha man i would have loved to have been there for that

rofflez. chills 3 !@#$%
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old Dec 12, 02
-->Tightcore Trucker<--
Join Date: Jan 2001
Bitchin will become famous soon enoughBitchin will become famous soon enough
I dont thinkI should even begin on wut happen at chills 2.. I got way to drunk(started drinkin at 10 am)... shit happen.. I have a scar from the party on my shin.. and so on.. OH, and dont for get about the 5 hour wait in the sea to sky high way because of an accident.. shall I go on?

ugh.. to much happen.. and too much to remember and theres also a bunch I dont remember.. heh.. FUCK..
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old Dec 13, 02
Join Date: Oct 2002
JuNgLe~BuNnY is an unknown quantity at this point
oh boy! well to start off there was me, waymond, tony, sum girl, and our driver paul all piled in pauls little volkswagon gulf. so we're off, me sittin in da backseat which was sooo stupid cuz i was the only one who knew where we were goin and had the directions all written down. so we get to the stupid dirt road and drive forever, take a wrong turn and go to the campsite on the other side of the river, turn around see the signs follow em drive drive drive, no more signs for a while figure we've gone too far or the wrong way, turn around, see like 3 cars on our way back, stop one of em (a cab) ask where the hell it is, they tell us it's farther down the road and they know fo sho cuz they gots a dj in there......finally get greated by kev and nolan, i get outta da car and walk to the party with leona. get there just in time for jungle souldiers set and my fav track. see a buncha peeps that i haven't seen in forever!! give lotsa big hugs dance my ass off!!!! pretty much did that mosta da night till it got light out, realize my ride is long gone, so me tony and waymond are stuck....hang around fer a while tryin to find a ride, watchin bobby climb the totem pole, jadon bein a drunk idiot, and junior and pip doin sum sick battling. helped clean up a bunch, mulled around for awhile and finally waymond, me and tony decide to start walkin/hitchin. grab a ride down mosta da dirt road in da back of a pickup, till we get to the highway, start walkin sum old guy picks us up and brings us to squamish. grab sum mcdicks, walk/hitch for a good couple a kms finally sum guy tony knows stops with his empty car and gives us a ride. goin good till that accident where we sat at a dead stop for a couple of hours...luckily we were only like less than a hundred cars from the front (i member cuz a buncha ppl kept walkin by us counting) met sum guys a couple cars down and chilled till we could go again....lucky we weren't on the other side there were cars backed up till like the ferries!!!!! still not even movin yet when we were drivin past em!! got dropped in north van and that pretty much ends my adventure! and my shoes are still dirty!!! ewww the werst was in the morning when everyone started to blow ther noses and it was just black!!!! same with ther spit!! so much dirt!!!
definetly had soooo much fun tho!!!! :c-tard: there better be a chills 3 yo!!!!!
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  #16 (permalink)  
Old Dec 13, 02
break dance, not hearts
Join Date: Sep 2001
bebu*funfun will become famous soon enough
whao shit..conor was there?! did not know at all..
cupcakes...i remember dropping mine rite by the fire.. i was gonna grab it.. but someone pushed me back thinking i was gonna go touch the fire.. ?! huh. i eventually picked it up and i think it was martin who told me it wasn't edible nemore. hmmm strange nite.

the morning sounded like lotsa fun for all u guys... =( if i had courtney telling me it was snowing.. i think i would get a heartattack from laughing.
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  #17 (permalink)  
Old Dec 13, 02
dumb it down, would ya?
Join Date: Dec 2001
crookedking has much to be proud ofcrookedking has much to be proud ofcrookedking has much to be proud ofcrookedking has much to be proud ofcrookedking has much to be proud ofcrookedking has much to be proud ofcrookedking has much to be proud ofcrookedking has much to be proud ofcrookedking has much to be proud ofcrookedking has much to be proud ofcrookedking has much to be proud of
haha allan is sloshed in that pic jimbo.
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  #18 (permalink)  
Old Dec 13, 02
Join Date: Apr 2002
LDUB is an unknown quantity at this point
Originally posted by BeBu*FunFun

cupcakes...i remember dropping mine rite by the fire.. i was gonna grab it.. but someone pushed me back thinking i was gonna go touch the fire.. ?!
ahhhh the cupcakes! I completely forgot about those!
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  #19 (permalink)  
Old Dec 13, 02
Bark if you're a nark.
Join Date: Aug 2002
waimea is an unknown quantity at this point
Good baking Lauren, those cupcakes were gooooood! I had atleast 3 of em.
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  #20 (permalink)  
Old Dec 14, 02
Senior's Avatar
fuck yeah
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Senior is a jewel in the roughSenior is a jewel in the roughSenior is a jewel in the roughSenior is a jewel in the roughSenior is a jewel in the rough
I stood on a dirt road till the sun came up checking cars and then I went in and helped drink a lot beers =) good times
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  #21 (permalink)  
Old Dec 16, 02
Join Date: Oct 2002
JuNgLe~BuNnY is an unknown quantity at this point
^^haha yeah i just membered not seein you the whole night (well cept fer when i got there and you and kev greated me and my car) till the morning and you were soooo hammered!! didn't you do e too??
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  #22 (permalink)  
Old Dec 16, 02
Registered User
Join Date: Apr 2002
Courtney is a glorious beacon of lightCourtney is a glorious beacon of lightCourtney is a glorious beacon of lightCourtney is a glorious beacon of lightCourtney is a glorious beacon of lightCourtney is a glorious beacon of lightCourtney is a glorious beacon of light
holy fuckin shit...funniest nite ever. caitlin oliver haydn and i all trecked out there together and the car jounrey wuz completely insane. we FINALLY get there and i attempt to drink alot of rum. i drank to much to fast so i puked everywhere,i wuz pretty drunk and i decided it would be a super good idea to pop....so i pop half a cap of a yellow pacman thinking it wouldnt get me tOO high...well i wuz wrong.. i got completely MANGLED...i coudltnt remember half of the events which took place that night...like whether or not i had done more e..in the morning i was chased around buy a pantless boy..in my high state this was nto a great event to be taking place i wuz running around screaming and also i remember picking up a rock and hitting myself in the head with it because it was fun???? then i smoked some weed which turned out to be laced with some crazy substance..heading out of the party i honestly thought that it was snowing however apparently it was a nice sunny day...caitlin must have been so afraid of me in the car because i klept telling her how i looked normal but inside i was CRAZZZZZY! at mcdonalds in the morning me and miska got lost and i was trying to act so normal in front of her but little did she know inside i was still so completely fucked...i slightly remember how i was explaining to oliver and caitlin how i would go into work the next day and say "CAN I SELECTAH SELETCAH SOME ICE CREAM??" to all of the customers...i also remember thinking i was great at mcing and going up to dawson and showing him my "skills"....when i got out of olivers car in the morning i dropped my house key but i was still so high that i thought to myself it would be to much effort to pick it up so i just left it there lying on the ground!!!!!!!!~
i remember having to pick sean! off of the ground alot that night..
holy shit that wuz the craziest night!!
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  #23 (permalink)  
Old Dec 16, 02
Join Date: Apr 2001
M!SKA has a spectacular aura aboutM!SKA has a spectacular aura about
shhhh cocoz we promised never to speak of the washroom incident EVER again. for your sake. HAHAHAHA

at mcdonalds in the morning me and miska got lost and i was trying to act so normal in front of her but little did she know inside i was still so completely fucked
ROFL oh courtney i knew.. i knew. you had egg from your breakfast bagel all over your face. hahahahhahahha.
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  #24 (permalink)  
Old Dec 16, 02
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rawb is a name known to allrawb is a name known to allrawb is a name known to allrawb is a name known to allrawb is a name known to allrawb is a name known to allrawb is a name known to allrawb is a name known to allrawb is a name known to allrawb is a name known to allrawb is a name known to all
i found 2 tickets on the ground but spent the night working anyways.

i still have the tickets on my dresser.
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  #25 (permalink)  
Old Dec 16, 02
Join Date: Sep 2002
EzTone is an unknown quantity at this point
Hmmm let me think.... Chillz 2, Oh yeah!!

That party was dope! I got messed (surprise, surprise!).

The ride back home was dope. Sean! spun his car out on that dirt road a few times and we listened to the same cheezy house track the whole way home! Good times, good times!!
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