Originally Posted by SEAN!
i wonder if they carry tranquilizer's on board for these type's of situations
Tranquilizers & sedatives are a lot less general purpose that you'd imagine, the dosages have to be pretty dead on. Plus you don't know the guys medial history, so there's no way to know for sure how he'd react, and no matter how must of a disruption a raging looney causes having, a copse is just way more paper work. In the comments on the blog that originally posted the video somebody had a pretty good suggestion as to what it might be:
The two guys either side of the guy freaking out look to be plainclothes policeman and the guy freaking out might be a prisoner transport or (more likely) they're immigration agents and the guy is being departed. I looks like they managed to get what appear to be zap-strap-based hand cuffs on the guy at some point.
I'm just kinda surprised they didn't move him to the front of the economy section so he wasn't freaking out behind everybody. I imagine that would have been pretty un-nerving since that guy kept pouring on the crazy.
azazel, dammit man, stop baitin' the newbs