i remember my friend freaking out when she thought she might be pregnant. she drug my drunk ass to wal-mart late one night and made me buy her pregnancy test because she was to embarassed. she then made me wait in the wal-mart bathroom while she pee'd on a stick because she didn't want our other roomates and her husband to find out. this is the same husband she'd been seperated from for 6 months due to his cheating, but with whom she'd had a one night stand with a couple weeks before the pregnancy scare....
ahhhh memories.
i think the best part about that whole deal was that she first took me to the dollar store to buy a pregnancy test (YES! they do sell pregnancy tests!) i voiced my doubt in the integrity of a pregnancy test that was purchased for $1. she assured me that it's FIIIINE, but then, a week later we wind up in the wal-mart bathroom....
Last edited by impure; Dec 15, 07 at 12:50 AM.