when i was first learning how to type i used to type my thoughts out in my head. did you know that most of the letters in this sentence were typed with the left hand?
was, saw, awe, awed, fed, dew, wed, deft, grew, tred, wax, sex, set, get, wet, fad, fade, deaf, tea, eat, ate, date, teat, great, tax, crew, cart, car arc, far, fart, art, tar, rat, rate, frat, fat, aft, waft, graft, raft, daft, axe, tad, drew. sea, seat, sear, ear, are, era, draw, cad, cast, read, dear, deaf, dart, grade, and caw are all words that you can type with just the left hand (if you're a touch typer).
you, lop, mop, hop, hip. lip, kin, kip, pun, and punk are among the few that are on the right hand.
why do we favour the left handed side more? everybody knows that righties are superior in all ways to lefties.