Originally posted by KandyKid
Fuck, my last girlfriend never told me that some of the shit that i did pissed her off and then eventually she just exploded, things ended up fine for a while, but you gotta talk about your problems, not just leave the other person to guess.
Yah I"m guilty of that. its just sometimes its not just holding it from you its also a little of holding it from yourself untill you burst. But yah thats harsh I feel sooo bad when I do it to ppl and its not fair.
as for my thing I dont like bullshit at all. If you have a problem and you actualy know about it dont fucking hold it from me and tell me its all ok when even I ask about it. then I find out later its the whole reason we broke up now thats fucking lame. you gota give somone a chance to fix it dont just lie about it if it buggs you to not hurt my feelings just get some fucking balls and say it then its done and it dosent go any further. but yah I just look for guys that wont do that anymore. I'm getting better at it so its not so much of a problem any more but yah thats lame to everyone that does it. give a girl a chance!