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1m l33t - 0r1g1n
(inspired by the numb3r b0ys)
legend: A = 4 | E = 3 | I = 1 | O = 0 th4ts r1ght, 1 s41d 1t 1m l33t. but th3r3 1snt 4nyth1ng y0u c4n d0 4b0ut 1t. why 4m 1 s0 l33t, w3ll cuz 1 us3 numb3rs t0 t4lk. but wh3r3 d1d 4ll th1s sh1t c0m3 fr0m? 4lth0ught th3 4ctu4ll 0r1g1n 1s unkn0wn, 1ts b3li3v3d b4ck 1n th3 l4t3 80's 1t st4rt3d 4s 4 w4y f0r h4ck3rs t0 d1scuss t3chn1qu3s 4nd tr1umphs 0n bull3t1n b04rds w1th0ut b31ng d3t3ct3d by k3yw0rd s34rch3s 1n s34rch 3ng1n3s. 4s w3b h4ck1ng b3c4m3 m0r3 4nd m0r3 p0pul4r 1n th3 34rly 90's, th3 l33t f0rm 0f t4lk1ng gr3w 1n p0pul4r1ty 4s w3ll. th3n 4s 0nl1n3 g4m1ng st4rt3d t0 t4k3 0ff 1n th3 m1d 90's, th1s g4v3 4 hug3 n3w 3nv1r0nm3nt f0r th3 l33t styl3. m4ny 0f th3 n3w pl4y3rs 1n th31r rpg's 4nd f1rst p3rs0n sh00t3rs w3r3 0r st1ll w3r3 h4ck3rs. th1s g4v3 4 wh0l3 n3w 4r3n4 f0r th3m t0 b04st th31r l33t sk1lls. l33t th3n b3c4m3 4 c0mm0npl4c3, 4t l34st 1n th3s3 n3w c0mmun1t13s. l33t st1ll st4y3d r3l4t1v3ly unkn0wn 1n th3 1nt3rn3t w0rld 4s m0st 28k m0d3m us3rs wh3r3 n0t 1nt0 g4m1ng 0r h4ck1ng, 4nd th3 1nt3rn3t w4s just 4 spr0ut1ng s33d. th3n 4 m3g4 0nl1n3 t0ky0 b4s3d c0m1c t00k 0ff 0nl1n3 us1ng 0nly th3 l33t styl3 0f t4lk1ng f0r th31r c0m1cs. th3 0nl1n3 tr3nd 0f numb3r3d v0w3ls t00k 0ff. much 4s c00l 1s us3d 4s k3wl. so now you know the history of this numbered vowel style of online text. brought to us by none other then early internet geeks. now I thought it would be an interesting lesson for some, and a headache for most. haha, now it's time for some homework. yes, this was as much fun to type as it is hard to read! :) -myl3s |
7h3 4554551N
1N 54f3 4554551n4710N5, 7H3 4554551n n33d5 7H3 u5u4L QU4L17135 0f 4 CL4nD3571N3 463n7. H3 5H0uLD 83 d373rM1N3d, C0uR4630u5, 1n73Ll163n7, r350URC3ful, 4nD pHy51C4LLY 4C71v3. 1F 5P3c14L 3qU1Pm3N7 15 70 83 u53d, 5uch 45 F1R34RM5 0R drU65, 17 15 cl34R 7H47 h3 Mu57 h4v3 0U7574Nd1N6 5K1lL W17H 5UCh 3qU1Pm3n7. 3XC3p7 1n 73rr0R1571C 4554551N4710N5, 17 15 d351r48L3 7H47 7H3 4554551N 83 7R4n513N7 1n 7h3 4R34. h3 5H0Uld h4v3 4N 4850lU73 M1n1mUm 0f C0n74C7 w17h 7H3 r357 0f 7H3 0r64N124710N 4nD H15 1N57rUc710n5 5H0Uld 83 61V3n 0r4LlY 8Y 0N3 p3R50n 0nLy. h15 54f3 3v4CU4710N 4f73r 7H3 4c7 15 4850Lu73LY 3553N714L, 8u7 H3R3 4641n c0n74c7 5H0UlD 83 45 l1M173D 45 P05518l3. 17 15 pr3F3r48L3 7h47 7h3 P3r50N 155U1n6 1n57rUC710N5 4l50 c0NdUC7 4ny w17hDr4w4L 0r c0V3r1N6 4c710n Wh1CH m4y 83 N3C3554RY. 1n l057 4554551n4710n, 7h3 4554551N mu57 83 4 f4N471c 0f 50m3 50R7. P0L171C5, r3l1610N, 4Nd R3V3N63 4r3 480u7 7H3 0NLy F34518l3 M071v35. 51Nc3 4 f4N471C 15 UN5748L3 p5YCh0L061c4LLy, H3 Mu57 83 H4NDl3d W17h 3x7r3M3 C4R3. h3 Mu57 N07 Kn0W 7H3 1D3n717135 0F 7h3 07h3r m3M83R5 0f 7H3 0r64n124710n, F0R 4L7H0u6H 17 15 1n73nd3D 7h47 H3 D13 1n 7H3 4C7, 50m37h1N6 m4y 60 Wr0N6. WH1l3 7h3 4554551n 0f 7r075KY H45 N3v3R r3v34l3D 4Ny 516N1F1C4N7 1nF0rM4710n, 17 w45 UN50unD 70 D3P3nD 0n 7H15 Wh3n 7h3 4c7 w45 PL4Nn3D. Pl4nN1N6 WH3N 7h3 D3c1510n 70 4554551n473 h45 833N R34CH3D, 7h3 74C71C5 0f 7h3 0P3R4710N mu57 83 Pl4Nn3D, 8453d up0N 4N 3571m473 0F 7H3 517u4710n 51M1L4r 70 7H47 U53D 1N M1l174RY 0P3R4710N5. 7H3 PR3L1m1N4RY 3571m473 W1Ll r3V34l 64P5 1n 1nF0RM4710N 4nd P05518LY 1nd1c473 4 n33D F0R 5p3c14l 3Qu1Pm3n7 WH1CH MU57 83 PR0CuR3D 0R c0N57rUc73D. wH3n 4ll n3C3554Ry D474 H45 833N c0ll3C73D, 4N 3FF3c71V3 74c71C4l PL4n c4N 83 PR3P4R3D. 4ll Pl4Nn1n6 Mu57 83 m3n74l; n0 P4p3R5 5h0uld 3v3R c0n741n 3V1d3nc3 0F 7H3 0P3r4710n. 1N R351574nc3 517u4710N5, 4554551n4710N m4y 83 u53D 45 4 c0Un73R-r3Pr154l. 51NC3 7h15 R3qu1r35 4Dv3R7151n6 70 83 3Ff3C71V3, 7h3 R351574nC3 0R64n124710N mU57 83 1N 4 p051710N 70 w4Rn h16h 0ff1c14L5 pu8L1Cly 7H47 7h31r l1V35 W1Ll 83 7h3 PR1C3 0F R3Pr154L 4C710N 4641N57 1Nn0c3n7 p30pl3. 5UCH 4 7HR347 15 0f n0 v4LU3 unl355 17 C4N 83 C4rR13D 0U7, 50 17 m4Y 83 n3c3554RY 70 Pl4N 7h3 4554551n4710N 0F v4r10U5 R35p0N518L3 0ff1C3r5 0f 7H3 0pPR3551v3 r361m3 4ND h0lD 5Uch Pl4N5 1N R34D1n355 70 83 U53D 0nLY 1f pr0V0k3d 8y 3xC3551v3 8ru74l17Y. 5UCh PL4N5 mU57 83 M0D1f13d FR3qU3N7ly 70 m337 CH4n635 1N 7H3 74C71C4l 517U4710N. 73chN1qU35 7H3 3553n714L p01N7 0F 4554551N4710N 15 7H3 d347H 0f 7h3 5U8J3C7. 4 HUM4N 831N6 m4y 83 K1ll3d 1n M4nY W4y5 8U7 5Ur3n355 15 0f73N 0v3rl00k3D 8y 7h053 Wh0 M4y 83 3M0710n4lLy un57rUN6 8Y 7H3 53r10U5N355 0F 7h15 4c7 7H3Y 1n73ND 70 C0MM17. 7H3 5p3c1f1c 73chN1qu3 3MPl0y3d W1LL D3p3Nd up0n 4 l4R63 NuM83r 0f v4R148l35, 8u7 5h0uld 83 c0N574N7 1N 0N3 P01n7: D347H mU57 83 4850Lu73lY c3r741n. 7h3 4773mP7 0N H17l3r'5 L1f3 f41L3D 83C4U53 7H3 c0N5P1R4CY d1d n07 61V3 7h15 M4773r pr0p3r 4773n710N. |
Frequent typos are also absorbed into leet, such as: "yuo" for "you" "teh" for "the" (also sometimes used as an intensifier: "He is teh lame") "pwn" for "own" (to defeat badly, as in a game: "You got pwned") For instance: _|00 607 |*\^/|\|3|) ---in other words you got owned. "smrt" for "smart" |
whos the netnerd now? it took me not even a minute to copy and paste some text into the translator, whereas you typed all yours out.....
Hi my names Snyx im on my computer 24/7 yet i still have the nerve to call others netnerds.... And here comes your excuse... "oh boo hoo im a fucking retard its not my fault i jumped off an overpass.... it was gravity's fault..." |
round 2....ding ding ding!!!!!!!!! |