beer gives me the worst hang overs
hard liquor doesn't give me hang overs i drink tons of water before i go to bed and take a vitaman B tablet and one tylenol and i'm fine in the morning...excpet it doesn't work with beer for some reason. Gatorade or Powerade also helps when i have a hangover! and supposedly...when you're drunk, if you drink a glass of milk before going to bed it gets rid of a potential hangover? i've never tried it before but i think if i drank a glass of milk while drunk, i'd puke everywhere? -s. |
Thats what I do but someone told me recently that when you take the vitamin b to retain the water in your system it also retains the toxins from the booze in you and will lead to health problems later on down the road.... ... But hey, whatever gets rid of the immediate discomfort works for me. :toasted: |
heh.....fuckin mothers today, thats probably whut happened with most of us
i dont really get hangovers anymore, maybe i drink too often. i wake up terribly bruised and battered tho a lot.....like today, bruises, bite marks , cuts everywhere.....drunks |