Originally posted by Senior
It's funny how you all completely missed the whole point of my post.
whatever like everything its a trade off...marginaly more environmental degradation then what we would have if we didn't export oil or billions upon billions of dollars that will not only make many people rich and provide well paying jobs for people who otherwise would be struggling to feed their families as well as increased tax revenue which pays for schools, hospitals, libaries welfare, and *ahem* environmental awareness programs. they speak of deregulation but most of the deregulation since the 80's has been concerning the free trade of oil and has little to do with with environmental regulations. In fact, since the 70's environmental regulations have been consistently increased. That oil can be extracted, refined, and transported with minimal damage to the environment and the government keeps a keen watch to ensure that it does.
for myself and many other candaians thats a cost were willing to pay.