Who Wants $100?
my phone was stolen at dialated........i want to get it back so i thought i'd make a post about it ......my phone is a sanyo scp 5000 flip ....... if anyone knows the person who stole it i would appreciate any information leading to the recovery of my phone....also if you are the person who stole my phone i suggest you return it to me or to someone who will because i will eventually find out who did take it and i'd rather that not happen ....and at this point i am still willing to give a cash reward for it's safe return to anyone who happens to hand me the phone.....so.......want money?.....
"hardly unlikely" is a double negative. sorry. but it doesn't make sense unless you meant to say "likely"
ok. so i find it extremely immature that it's OBVIOUS that some* people know where this guy's phone is. won't give up info, and won't take a $100. for fuck sakes. grow up, return his shit. let it go. flip it around...pretend it was you. if that doesn't work....just do it for fucking decent human nature! prove that there actually are people around worth keeping around. buddy. if i knew i would give it up. but i don't. if i hear anything i'll let you know. |