oh yeah i had the greatest invention! breast implants that are filled with air and u can change the size of them by blowing them up! (like a balloon) so u can change ur boob size whenever girl: "i feel like small (or large) boobs today!!" |
aaaaahahha i think somatics a fag! he tried to kiss me passionatly last night! i had to hit him with my skateboard to keep him away.!
dwights dad is knows how big of a fag somatic is! they make out everynight and buy flowers for eachother. :Peenutt: |
Hey Vince, remember that time when we were playing Nintendo at your house and you started french kissing your sister??? Then you guys cuddled in front of the TV??? I had to leave because I walked in on your dad and Lola rucking on your bed. I tried to hide in your sister's room but this black guy witha hookish rod was having his way with your mom. I begged him not to stick it in your mom's ass but she was screaming for it!!! I guess you didn't hear it, you were too busy having a passionate moment with your sister. Hey, did your dad ever get those carnations you sent to him??? He must be too busy wwith Lola eh???
-Dwight:Somatic: |