Originally posted by Mc*Phee
Is it true that colour hurts more then black? whats the pain factor like on my back right above my ass like on the base of my spine?, that where i want mine.... I have my awesome flower design all picked out, im just so chicken!
No actually the colour part (or fill in if you get a full black tattoo) hurts a lot less. They use multiple small needles (like 7 or 8) and colour it in like a colouring book.
The lining (the initial black outline) is the most painful since it's one needle and it has to be very precise so generally it goes a lot slower and deeper.
I just got a ton of tatties done on my back... one of them is between my shoulder blades and two of them are on my tailbone pretty much on either side of my spine (check my gallery if you want). I'm telling you now it hurt a fair amount and I'm very good with pain. I'm not sure which was more painful the spine itself or the tailbone. Since the tattoos on my tailbone are smaller they didn't take as long as the center piece.