Lindows hardly makes the comp cheaper. Methinks it costs about $100 for it, giving it a beefy $50 less than the Microsoft alternative.
Wonder when people are going to start packing Linux from some actually community-based project or something with commercial computers.
And yeah. Lindows is so limiting and filled with so much Windows-attempted-to-act-just-likeness that you might as well just get Windows. Although some of the stuff that I personally like about Linux are fairly simplistic (bash, Gnome, and freely available programs, IE not evaluation or shareware-based) all the stuff they use to make Lindows more Windowslike you might as well just get seperately for the price you pay (IE just bloody learn to configure Gnome or KDE to look like it, and hey, you might find some actually useful desktop features along the way, as well as WineX and CrossOver are really quite cheap).
I'm still happy with my Red Hat Box. It does everything I want it to except right now talk to the interweb as I'm stuck at parents' place and they have a @#$% Win98 box on the internet line.