so last night, my man was snoring really loudly and i told him to role over, in his sleep, he answers, "mmmkay" and does it..but he's completly unconcious...or so i thought.
lol i thought that when hypnotising someone, generally you put them to sleep with the sound of your voice...lol i start saying quietly and slowly... "you love Crystal, you want to be more sensitive, you love crystal, you want to cuddle her, you want to be more attentive...etc" HAHAHAHAH this went on for about 3 min then i started to make myself laugh. anyways, this morning, my bf roles over and cuddles me and says, "your too cute." i said, "thank you..why?" he starts to giggle and says, "you trying to brainwash me in my sleep." and he laughed. soooooo embarrasing. he said he could hear me, but he didnt want to say anything because he thought it was cute. *blush* im still embarrased. never going to be able to live that one down. |