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  #1 (permalink)  
Old Oct 07, 01
Join Date: Apr 2001
msPiggy is an unknown quantity at this point
US bombing....

so what do you guys think...they droppign the bombs....

what do you think will happen in :msPiggy: the next few days?
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old Oct 07, 01
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mister-peenutt has a little shameless behaviour in the past
i'm all for it. simple as that.

they aren't attacking civilians they are only attacking the taliban and that other group.


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  #3 (permalink)  
Old Oct 07, 01
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yea... i don't really care..now that they juss bombing the actual site...but the thing is...critisim is fuck'n stoopid!! stop it people!
i swear it's not their race that, that bastard osuma binFAGin did it...
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old Oct 07, 01
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[size=1]i hope we all die. wow.. that was optimistic...

there will be a lot of news, death, dying, and it'll be all war-ish. and in the end, it'll be a big waste of money, time, explosives and lives.. wow, we were able to bomb you fuckers better than you bombed us -- we are so much more superior.

over the next couple of days i will probably waste my life away, drink until i puke and then pour my vomit in a jar and put it in the freezer. then i will go to school like nothing happened. this affects me but im too desensitized/numb to do anything about it. side note: i hope we all die.. wait i said that already. damn.

bomb everyone and those that survive can start over. yeah.. there will be survivors.. yes.. course.. :)
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old Oct 07, 01
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i'm not so sure what to think..
i don't think i necessarily think anything at all..
i just watch the news and sort of shake my head and *sigh*.. but that's about all...

yeah, i don't think i know wut to think.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old Oct 07, 01
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Yes Stabby... there will be survivors.

The scary part is this, if you were an innocent and got the shit bombed out of you for no reason you can think of, survived and now have a bone to pick. What will you do when you find out that the US was behind the whole thing?

You have nothing to lose, hell, everything you owned is blown up.

Terrorism is one vicious circle.
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old Oct 08, 01
Look! A rocket!
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The US will continue to bomb for hours, for days, maybe even for weeks, and all the while bombs are being dropped in Afghanistan the world will be told how righteous these blazes in the sky are, how the US is not only doing away with a dangerous criminal but a political regime that stripped thousands of their basic human rights. The world will be rid of two enemies, bin Laden, and the Taliban, and the US will be hailed as saviour while the Afghani people are left with civil unrest, a lack of government, a radical group to the North, and the devastation that any country would face after having bombs dropped on it for days.

There will be violence between Muslims and other groups in the US as there has been for the past weeks, there will be refugees, there will be casualities and all the terror that comes from war, but we will still congratulate the US because that's what we're supposed to do.

I don't agree with the methods of the Taliban, nor do I approve of bin Laden's supposed actions, but I'm confronted with the issue of whether or not the world led by the grand old United States of America needed to bomb the shit out of a country in order to find a man and remove a political power. Bah.

Oh, and I know that the US claims to have hit only terrorist training camps, military locations, and Taliban headquarters, but how likely does it seem that there is not even a single civilian's life to have been claimed by the blasts?

Urgh, listen to me, youthful idealism at its best. I'll go hide under my bed to protect myself from the nuclear blasts and anthrax to come.

Last edited by manik; Oct 08, 01 at 02:09 PM.
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old Oct 08, 01
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tribal_guy is an unknown quantity at this point

finally they have given the go ahead to take them out. but they shouldve taken them out a little earlier becuz i think the terrorist camps would be deserted in assumption of atacks. but the taliban's govt is bein crushed on 2 diff sides, the us &brit&the coalition, plus the northern alliance. TALIBAN IS SCREWED OVER!!
i also think iraq will b hit too. juss cuz US got beef wit saddam.
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old Oct 08, 01
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The US just wants to blow some shit up.
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old Oct 09, 01
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hahahahh... Crunch, its funny, but I think what you said is true.

they DO just want to blow some shit up, and flex their muscles for the rest of the world. Kind of like how high school fights work. one kid punches another kid, and the kid who got punched doesn't wanna look like a wuss, so he punches back. George Bush doesn't want to look like a wuss to the american citizens, or the rest of that world for that matter. I'm sure they COULD just send in special forces to track down Bin Laden or something, but instead they're launching a full scale attack.
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  #11 (permalink)  
Old Oct 09, 01
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it better not turn into another Vietnam. thats what the US was hoping to do.

"flex their muscles" but it didnt work and they had a big war :(
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old Oct 09, 01
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I agree with sixpak, the US could have prevented this whole thing a long time ago by going out and taking out Bin Laden/Hussien/etc. but now this happens and they get off their asses.

I don't understand the thinking here. You know these people hate you and your country, you know they launch terrorist attacks against you, you know they are planning something for the future.

In this day and age of technology where they can see the marking on a golf ball from space I find it hard to believe they can't find the person/people responsible for this act.

I find it hard to believe they can find the leaders of these groups that terrorize the world as well.

I would have thought they would have tried to prevent and more terrorsit attacks instead of waiting for one big one that makes everyone take notice first.

That is kind of retroactive instead of being proactive.
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old Oct 09, 01
bob bob is offline
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in my opinion, i think all of this is turning into more of a race. between osamamamamaMAN and george w... to spread successful propaganda.

if you look at all of this, and i mean ALL OF THIS as in everything leading back to the gulf war, if u look at it as a game of chess. everything comes together before your eyes. i was thinking this all day long at work...

honestly, i think osama is a much better chess player...

almost every westerner will see him as the source of all evil, but i try to be a little less shallow on my approach... the guy's a fucking genius... he successfully hit america, harder than they've ever been hit. he (and this is my own judgement) was smart enough to know that for every action, there is a reaction, and he knew that whatever reaction the US decided to implement, would prove to favor the terrorist cause... and this is why, the US had only 2 real options: (1) retaliate, or (2) let it slide to avoid possible war and many [more] lives lost... now either way, osama and all other terrorist networks for that matter could benefit from this. if the US retaliates, then it becomes a battle of propaganda (which is seemingly happening now). achieving total believe in your propaganda is pretty damn easy for someone like bin laden, in such a war-torn country. the country has already been raised with the propaganda that their country is the way it is today because of the US (resulting in people like bin laden himself). not to mention bin laden owns the freakin' phone companies in afghanistan, PLUS! thanks to recent air strikes by the US, communications & air traffic are at a hault. so with this, propaganda is easily spread in such an isolated area. there's no outside influence whatsoever.. now if the americans just let it slide to avoid possible war (option 2), that's a clear signal for terrorism to commence all out ape-shit kamakazi missions in the US, blow shit up and don't worry cuz there won't be any consequences. america would have set a precedence right then and there. "fuck with us! we don't fuck back!"...

ahhh shit i just lost my train of thought...

ummm... yea... the US can't win this "war". that's all i want to say. if this is a war on terrorism, and the americans wipe out 100,000 suspected terrorists, and they claim victory... what happens to the other 1 billion people that watched americans blow the fuck out of their country? 10 years later, those punk kids are gonna drive a tank up to the white house and ehehehe...

oh nevermind

Last edited by bob; Oct 09, 01 at 07:44 PM.
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