The [ you ] command is not funny anymore. (post for noobs)
heh ok maybe a little.
But lets get this clear right now.
If you don't know the person. And they are mentioning your name in a post, most likely they are using the [ you ] command. It's a simple trick so when you bring the [] together you get [you] get it???
This is actually banned now but people still use it because it gets people that don't know what it is all pissed off.
Especially in the sex and drugs topics.
It was funny but now it's just getting annoying.
So yah I hope [you] get it now.
If you don't know for sure if it's a post about you. Try logging off and then going into the post to check. It's that simple.
Good day.
Last edited by Kandyapple; Feb 01, 04 at 04:59 AM.