IF Only The Fly Would Drop 4"
Theres A fly 4" above the water. A fish comes along and looks at the fly And the fish says to himself if only the fly would drop 4" I could get the fly and eat him. A bear comes along and sees the fish and the fly and says to himself if only the fly would drop 4" the fish could eat the fly and I can eat the fish. A hunter comes along and sees the fly, fish and the bear and says to himself if only the fly would drop 4" the fish could eat the fly the bear could eat the fish and the bear will move in position so a can shoot him. A mouse comes along and sees all this and says to himself if only the fly would drop 4" the fish could eat the fly the bear could eat the fish the hunter can shoot the bear and I can get the cheese out of the hunters sandwich. A cat comes along and sees the fly, fish, bear, hunter, mouse and says to himself if only the fly would drop 4" the fish could eat the fly the bear could eat the fish the hunter can shoot the bear the mouse can get the cheese out of the hunters sandwich and I can get the mouse.
So It Happens The Fly Drops 4"
The fish eats the fly the bear eats the fish the hunter shoots the bear the mouse gets the cheese and eats it by the water. The cat sees the mouse and gets a running start for the mouse the mouse moves out of the way and the cat runs straight into the water """Splash"""" So Now I Ask you this one question WHAT IS THE MORAL TO THIS STORY???? IF THE FLY DROPS 4" THE PUSSY GETS WET!!!!!!