I used to meditate on a semi-regular basis. When I first started doing it I used it help myself concentrate and focus before either a baseball game or a hockey game. I would control my breathing, which would allow me to control my heart rate. This allowed me to focus on what I needed to do in order to succeed in the game that followed. I eventually took these methods and adopted them to my everyday life, where I would sit in a dark room, with no sound or light, and merely focus. I found it helped me figure out a lot about what was going on at my life at the time, and how I could or should deal with these situations. It also left me extremely relaxed and full of energy.
Meditating and physical exertion are two very VERY different things.
My form of meditation is Tai Chi. Modified Yang style. Learned it in High School, did it a lot while I was living up at SFU, haven't so much since then. Island offers some excellent views to do Tai Chi at though. Nothing like meditating to a setting sun on a mountaintop overlooking the entire Cowichan Bay and with a glimmer of the Malahat in the distance. Coolest thing is that it's about a 3 hour walk from my house. |