calm down?! ohH no wtf iz calm down. u didnt just tell me to do that did u. thatz BS. we dont calm down we. we SKETCH SKETCH SKETCH blaH! SKETCH; a;ekfdjaskfjaskfjaskdfj;aksldfjasdfj;kla sdjfkasjf my mind is racing 10 000 milez a minute and im not on drugz. high on life. wowo ppl will think this stuff is way too f'ucked up. omg GOOD. cuz it iz WAY TOO F'UCKED UP :D
ohH no. not the man; man?! or thing?! either way it wuz defintily a sight to see. kind of like a slow steam roller coming towardz u as u awate ur death. god it/he wuz huffing and puffing soO much. i thought it/he wuz going to EXPLODE and then we'd have a thousand flubber partz all over braid station. ughH! that wud not be good ... im going to make a request to make stronger benches @ the skytrain stations for veryveryvery large people. wow! THAT WUZ UBERLY random :D
UBER...AH fuck yah...That word is awesome...Omg amazing amounts of weed has been smoked with in the last 2 days...FUCk...OMG I can't roll the doobie my hands are shaking fuck someone roll it for me I can';t stand it...THE FIREBALL IS STILL IN THE BUSH HAHAHAHAHA!
sketchdskjhfskdlhfd;skdl; dskjfoksdgf;dsaflds'a sdlfus;ldfos fdjhfsd..fuckPLUR dskjfyhdoihidsdf rave! o wow sdkjfhlkjdsfzx complete randomnessesesessedss fdgkjhdsfpkugoid[fgodsf o deardjkhgkdfgkdfs its happening sdkjfhsflhaksd oncedkjfhflfdsa againlkddflkdjf wtf si flail? i dunno wut that is... kdfkhhdsfg teahc me howto flail?! dskjfhdlkfg djhkd;f !$!$!- HOLLA -!$!$! |
fUk paige that wud piss me off. PLUR BS!!! id rage and go uber sketch ape sketch on whoever did that to me. and yes omfg; the amount of bud which has been smoked in the recent dayz totalz an enormous number. i had the largest burn out in my life last nite. it wuz soO unpleasent/yet soO interesting. lol!!!