i've been up since 7 am yesturday morning so fuck the pencil post.. Listen to my rant
So.. I went to work yesturday and i didnt do a bloody thing. I played pool for a good 4 hours. Lunch was one hour.. I think i did a good 10 minutes of work yesturday. I went to the cambie with pbreak and crookedking and I am such a lightweight drinker. I think we had 2 pitchers and i was wasted. But I did manage to pee straight into the bowl when i had to go tinkle. We saw the punisher after that.. Good movie.
I get home and I talk to this fantasmic girl for about an hour.. I attempt to sleep but I cant. So i sit on irc and do nerdy things. Then i realize.. Hmmm maybe its time to go for a walk. I put my hoodie on and depart for english bay. I walked around for a good 15 minutes and then i came home. I sat on the computer watching dvd's untill 7 am when i had to go to work. So i have my shower and all that fun stuff. I get to work and i actually have work to do. So i think i played pool for 4 hours today! I come home and then i was going to contact jib monkey. I was going to go with them to get probably very smashed. But i didnt because i deserve some sleep. Even though i was going to go to bed 15 minutes ago but i couldnt fall asleep.
So now a joke.
A pirate walks into a bar with a steering wheel attached to his arm.. The bartender says "why is that steering wheel attached to your arm?" the pirate responds with "Yarrr. I dunt know but its driving me nuts!"
ok.. bye.