Originally Posted by Spenk_66
Aight. So recently my friend was using that NAIR shit on her legs. I was so confussed as to how it worked. So she's all "Here, try some". I was curious, and i need to have my tresure-trail 'removed' for a job next month anyway (i'll miss you!!!). HOLY CRAP! It hurt like a mother fucker! And still does! I'm all bumpy and red and shit! Why would people ever do that!!!!?? Now my question is " How the hell can i repair the damage? Any tips girls (or guys)?
when you use nair there should be sum lotion that comes with it in the box..use that ..it acually helps..welll for me anyways..
Nair is seriously horrible shit to use! My friend tryed to used it for the middle of her eyebrows... lol she was to lazy to pluck..lol..dont ask..anways after like 5minutes it started to burn her so she tryed taking it off and it ripped off her skin! It was horrible...bad expierence indeed!!