Originally Posted by -ff-
Does anyone know a service offering good, relatively ad free, free web hosting?
Not any more. All of the major players are ad-supported. Angelfire worked well for me; it's not hard to hack around its pop-ups and image ads if you know a bit about web-design (ie. use something to stop popups, add "IMG {display:none}" to your stylesheets, then add a class to allow proper display.) I'd imagine Geocities could be worked around in a similar fashion.
Originally Posted by -ff-
Barring that, how much does it cost to register a domain name, and what is the process involved?
For a domain name and a decent hosting plan, expect to pay around $100 a year. That'd be $20/yr for the domain name (~$25 for a .ca domain, iirc) and probably $5-6/mth for hosting.