Best Karma EVER
"What are you just going to give me bad karma n e time i post ne thing?? y r u such a bitch? fuck you, just stay away from me, i dont know you and u have no reason to be in any sort of contact with me. GOODBYE" --Ashes
:Star: :Star::Star::Star::Star: you forgot the "pleeez dizzle" or (my personal favourite) "MAD WERD" |
ha ha mad werd
dude she doesn't know anyone on this board really, so really what the fuck is she doing going all crazybitch on people for being like U DON'T KNOW ME, DON'T CONTACT ME
ok everyone who doesn't know her (and that's all but like two people on here..) just add her to your ignore list. |
you guys all suck for making fun of people on fnk. I betcha if you guys were all at the same party and she was there, you wouldn't go up to her and tell her how stupid you think her "lingo" is and dish out whatever you dished out in this thread... now I don't know that for sure but I can only guess. We all read everyone's posts on here and yah some of them or stupid or we don't like the way they talk or whatever but don't be an asshole about it. Seriously, get over it. Sorry we can't all be as cool as you and talk like you...haha yah just get over it. I feel emberassed for you
You've obviously never met me. I would say any of this to her face in a heart beat. |