haha me too. I cant even get through my door with them on. :p I just hope no crazy high person barels into me and breaks them. I didnt get the feather ones though.
Oh they are purple with yellow swirls and glitter on them. They are the wire ones with the nylon.
Im thinking of decorating them more myself though to spiff them up. I'll post a pic later maybe if I can get my home computer to work.
cool cool, sounds sweet...i'm guessin yer gonna be a fairy?
haha you got it. Im just trying to figure out my costume right now. I think Im going to make some of it myself. Like the skirt and stuff. Since it's hard to find a full costume that doesn't look tacky.
Well then if your going too a halloween party, then your just shit out of luck now arn't you. :p
I can put up with it fo Hallowe'en. I got hit in the mouth by some faggot in San Fransisco @ a rave 3 weeks ago... I hated them even before that though.