Sometimes sisters are really nice!
I know that this will make my sis sound like some kinda jeckel/hyde (sp?) type character, after my "when your sister steals your stuff" rant, but really -
I'm sick, and today I came home from work part way thru the day, and my sister was SO NICE! I put myself to bed almost as soon as I got in the door. And she brought me her stereo remote (we have the same model stereo) bc I couldn't find mine, and brought me a bunch of cds to put in my stereo, bc I left all my good ones in my car. So nice! And then she went out with my Mum and forot her mug of tea she'd made to take with her, and called me to tell me it was sitting on the counter and that I should enjoy it while it was still nice and hot. Sometimes that girl suprises me. I like this side of her much better.
How sweet is that?!