Originally Posted by wum
I meant "we've" and I'm just the opposite.
In all seriousness, it's sad that people don't realize that we live in an Illuminati Matrix.
You sound like a socially conscious person, and so Satan has tricked you and others under the banner of "tolerance" "equality" and "progress" that have given us mind-boggling hoaxes like Communism, lesbian feminism, abortion Holocaust, inter-faithism, and Multi-Culturalism (among many others).
Don't be tricked into thinking that by legitimizing homos it is an act of "goodwill", baby Jesus doesn't like that :(
Listen, I'm a cold bitch, don't ever mistake me for anything else.
I grew up a good Catholic girl, and I remember a lot of what I was taught is that crazy 'don't judge others' thing. I doubt Jesus would care, I mean he was cool with having a whore in his posse.
Oh, and it certainly IS possible to think that people ought to be treated the same. Call me crazy, but I think that stimulates a healthy economy. Is it the government's job to meddle in people's personal lives? Certainly not. And no, as much as it might be easier for you to think I'm some kind of bleeding heart Liberal, I regret to inform you I'm not. Should you like to continue this argument, you're welcome to pm me. I usually totally disagree with you, but I'm interested in your opinions, nonthless.