Hey everyone! So I came down to a little thinking and some reading, and I decided that if you have a quote that you would like to type down which has positive meaning and that people can actually relate to it (or at least find it useful), please do make a post. I have a couple quotes in my signature, and so I figured why not use them in a thread. Well, here are some more famous quotes by
Barbara Sher that I found inspiring:
Whenever you do what you really love, your heart lifts, your mind opens, and everything changes. You wake up. That's what true adventure really is.
Everything you put in your way is just another method of putting off the hour when you could actually be doing your dream. You don't need endless time and perfect conditions. Do it for twenty minutes, and watch your heart start beating. At the beginning you can only handle a little bit of that dream at a time. It's strong stuff! Much as we may long for it, following our dreams takes a lot of courage. It's as adventurous as you ever need to get in your life, and your feelings of boredom will disappear at once.
It's not the actual activity that creates the intensity, it's the love itself.
So if you have a quote of the day, post it and let us know who it is written by :) Thank you.