Originally posted by Paroxysm
It will give all those freaks with 146734 posts a chance to make them selves look even more like Sunday jerky bitches.
What do women talk about anyway's? Cooking? Cleaning? Making Pies?
Do they starts topics like " Apple Pie Recipe exchange".
I'm bored now.....
Listen boy... most guys could only dream about hearing what the hell is talked about when a bunch of females are stuck in a room by themselves... once in a while information leaks out to members of the oposite sex and you guys get so freakin amazed by it that you almost forget you ever heard it... imagine topics like that discussed hours and hours at a time... that would be girl talk... i think you "boys" could learn a thing or two from girl talk, it's just too bad none of the good shit is going to get displayed on a public messageboard... or at least i hope not... tough luck homies... ;P