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  #1 (permalink)  
Old Jun 10, 05
simply retarded
Join Date: Dec 2001
narc will become famous soon enough
Turn in Drug Users, or face jail time

H.R. 1528, Defending America's Most Vulnerable: Safe Access to Drug Treatment and Child Protection Act of 2005, is yet another horrible drug war bill that Congress has considered.

Among other things, HR 1528:

--Virtually eliminates the ability of federal judges to give sentences below the minimum sentence recommended by federal sentencing guidelines, essentially creating a mandatory minimum sentence for every federal offense (including both drug and non-drug offenses).

--Expands the federal “three strikes and you’re out” law to include new offenses, including mandating life imprisonment (with no possibility of parole) for anyone convicted a third time under the RAVE Act.

--Mandates a 10-year minimum sentence for anyone 21 or older that gives marijuana or others drugs to someone under 18 (i.e. a 21 year old college students gives a joint to his 17-year old brother). A second offense would be life in prison.

--Expands what is considered to be a “drug-free” school zone to include almost any place in an urban area, and increases penalties for selling or distributing drugs in that area. (The result will be enhanced penalties for people in inner cities, while people in rural and suburban areas get less time for the same offense).

--Mandates a 5-year minimum sentence for any person that commits a drug trafficking offense near the presence of a person under 18 or in a place where such person resides for any period of time. The sentence is 10 years if they are parent. (I.e. a mother that sells her neighbor a joint will get a 10-year minimum sentence, even if her kids were at school at the time).

--Creates a new offense for persons who witness or learn about certain drug offenses that fail to report the drug offender to the police within 24 hours or fail to provide full assistance to the police in tracking and prosecuting the offender. Offenses that would get someone a 2-year minimum sentence, including failing to report a neighbor that is storing or selling drugs when that neighbor has kids, failing to report anyone that gives a joint to someone under the age of 21, and failing to report a college student that is selling marijuana on a college campus.

--Mandates a 5-year minimum sentence for any person that offers, solicits, encourages, or induces a person enrolled in drug treatment, or previously enrolled in drug treatment, to purchase, possess or receive drugs.

--Makes it a federal crime to provide "drug paraphernalia" to anyone. While the goal is to make it a crime - punishable by up to three years in prison - to give someone a bong as a birthday present, it would also make it a federal crime to provide someone with sterile syringes (except where it is explicitly authorized by local or state law). If enacted, it would essentially criminalize many needle exchange programs.

H.R. 1528 can be viewed by going to http://thomas.loc.gov, entering “HR1528” in the search box, checking “enter bill number”, and clicking “search”.

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  #2 (permalink)  
Old Jun 10, 05
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old Jun 10, 05
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old Jun 10, 05
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Check this shit out:

link 1

Talks about the official plan of the Council on Foreign relations to merge the US with Mexico, for a "Pan American Union". Maybe that's why Bush is encouraging mass illegal immigrants Amnesty and calls the minutemen a bunch "vigilantes"
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old Jun 11, 05
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Originally Posted by Narc
H.R. 1528, Defending America's Most Vulnerable: Safe Access to Drug Treatment and Child Protection Act of 2005, is yet another horrible drug war bill that Congress has considered.[/url]
This _is_ AhmehriKKKan law, right?...

I mean, not surprisingly, or anything....

Being Canadian, and staying in Canada, I can only point, with jaw dropped and eyes bugged.

Us Canucks need to stay diligent so that we don't wallow to the depths of the 4th Reich that the U.S. of A. has become....

(mandatory "ratting"?!)
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old Jun 11, 05
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Puts a big:D on my face for being canadian
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old Jun 11, 05
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ceiling cat!
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Grapes is a name known to allGrapes is a name known to allGrapes is a name known to allGrapes is a name known to allGrapes is a name known to allGrapes is a name known to allGrapes is a name known to allGrapes is a name known to allGrapes is a name known to allGrapes is a name known to all
--Mandates a 10-year minimum sentence for anyone 21 or older that gives marijuana or others drugs to someone under 18 (i.e. a 21 year old college students gives a joint to his 17-year old brother). A second offense would be life in prison.
That's pretty awesome. Considering that's exactly what I plan to do with my twin step-brothers once they're a little older... charming to think I could get 10 years in prison for it.

--Creates a new offense for persons who witness or learn about certain drug offenses that fail to report the drug offender to the police within 24 hours or fail to provide full assistance to the police in tracking and prosecuting the offender. Offenses that would get someone a 2-year minimum sentence, including failing to report a neighbor that is storing or selling drugs when that neighbor has kids, failing to report anyone that gives a joint to someone under the age of 21, and failing to report a college student that is selling marijuana on a college campus.




Now we HAVE to legalize it, just to see the reaction!!!
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old Jun 11, 05
green bastard
Join Date: Mar 2004
DefJef has a spectacular aura aboutDefJef has a spectacular aura aboutDefJef has a spectacular aura about
wow, I just spent 30 mins typing a political rant novel and accidently hit back and now its all gone.

Throwing someone in 10 years for smoking a joint with their little brother is assenine.. Think of all the tax dollars that could be spent on healthcare, catching real criminals, or....OR..... bomb flailing.

How is it that a gram of weed is treated the same as a gram of blow, meth, crack (which unlike weed, all turn you into a fucktard) or whatever you fancy. Marijuana is not a gateway drug, that is an excuse. If you are a crackhead becuase smoking weed wasnt good enough for you, then you are an idiot. I know a guy from here who did 3 months down there last year becuase his buddy left a girb in the glovebox of his car when they were visiting the US. HARSH!

If the company I worked for offered me a massive promotion with the catch of moving down to the states, Id turn it down.

conclusion is...

"Smoke weed, get thrown in a federal POUND-YOU-IN-THE-ASS prison"

If anyone wants to claim refugee status, Ill help out any way I can.. only kicker is that you can camp in my backyard for 10 (ten) days, as my house is not very big. :D
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