Making Saki
My parents were given a recipe, when I was a kid, and I've been making a version of it, ever since.
Probably the only booze I've ever hallucinated on! $25 and 2 months gives you about 12 l of booze! My bud is going to try a modified version of the recipe. Plus, I've got a batch o' merlot brewing. He's got 2 batches of wine going, plus a couple of beer kits set to go. This could get to be a blurry summer.... Anyone else making their own motion-lotion? If people start brewing, now, then, towards the end of August, we could have a combination brew-tasting booze-up and pot-luck, as mentioned in another thread. So? Who's up? Frosty (DIY=cheap!) |
best luck on your brews, updates =) |
Yes, I'm back in town, having survived the melting temperatures and humility (and humidity) of Onterrible.
Now, for the (not so guarded secret) saki recipe: 1.5 kg raisins (washed/rinsed) 1.5 kg rice (regular white will do; go budget) 3 packages of dry yeast (they come in strips of 3. Use that) 3 lemons (washed and quartered) 3 oranges (washed and quartered) 4 kg sugar 15 l of water Place all ingredients in a crock (a large, ceramic crock is best, however, a clean diaper pail w/ lid for $5 from Zellers will do). Stir the shit out of it! Let it stand for 11 days (preferably, a cool, dark place) Stir the shit out of it, again! Let stand for another 11 days. Go to a hardware store and drop $4 to get about 1.5 m of clear hose. Use that to siphon off the liquid to another container, being carefull not to stir up all the sediment on the bottom. Now, you can bottle it (I'd recommend using plastic pop bottles w/ screw tops, left a li'l loose, to let excess gas escape), or you can let it age/settle in the first crock you used. This stuff is a li'l raunchy, at first, and will be cloudy from all the yeast and starch from the rice. Given time (about 2 months) it will settle out, and eventually become crystal clear. You might end up having to do a couple of siphon transfers to be rid of the sediment. This saki recipe ages exceptionally well! The longer it sits, the better it gets! Now, get off yer ghetto butts and go make some booze, dammit! Potion taste testing will begin in the fall. Frosty (*hic*) |