new horsies.
Filemon Alvarado, otherwise known as burro, was riding a beautiful solid black horse past my barn when i jokingly yelled out "hey! can i have that one?"
to my shock he told me that he didn't think it would make it to the races and that i could have him in another week or two. so the other day he came up to my barn and asked when i was going to pick him up! the same day i was supposed to go out to a breeders farm and look at a pretty chestnut mare by vying victor. so i loaded up my new black horse and drove out to look at the mare. i decided to bring her home as well. so in one day i went from having 1 horse to 3. they're so beautiful. i'm excited. my friend just took over a 20 acre farm in ladner that i keep my horses at, with some work we'll have a nice farm. |
the swelling has subsided, the shoes go back on him tomorrow and i'll be riding him by wednesday.
w00t. my old horse, sarah is best friends with the new one, shirley. they're out in a big field of clover one other mare, they even have a big old apple tree to dispence countless treats to them. man i wish i was a horse sometimes. |