actually......once we had our vid cam with us and made this
"stop motion" video of us we record us sayin one word then stop, move around, and then record sayin another word......we did this for an entire conversation! after we watched ourselves and almost died! haha
aiight. cory, this weekend, we're getting hammed. you've never seen hammed jon, rite...? red face. can't tell the difference between my face and a tomato. damn. i'll get soopa fucked..then we record...
I wanna make the ultimate hot box and put a tent over a hot tub....smoke a shit load of weed in it and have a vacuum hose comin out of it so that ppl outside can have a hot tub bong.....anybody wanna help?
what are u talkin about man..ura fuckin crackwhore...double entrance...hjahahaha...ok man..i look forward to seeing u tokin on a doob while gettin a hose of smoke shoved up ur ass...what a sight that would be....
ur a i look like a big retard wit a message that no one is going to i don't even know what the hell i was talkin about...u musta said something pretty fuckin weird man...
haha...wait wait...i think i remember sumthing about jon saying sumthign about having a tube up his ass while toking or sumthing...then he gets it in both ways..or am i just making this up??..crazy boys~!:023:
omg jon...hahahaha..ur fuckin funny man...i can see u sayin that so seriously and jus smirkin towards the end..hahaha i dunno...looks like i wasn't the only one who saw that..