Originally Posted by Ashley*Dawn
honestly I have a collection of holiday Barbie's. I've gotten one every year since I was 6. They are all still in the boxes too, lol. It was fucking hard being a lil kid and not opening your pretty brand new Barbie lol.
I have an aunt who has been doing that since she was pretty young too, her collection is HUGE, I remember going to her house as a little kid and getting choked because she wouldn't let me play with them haha.
I have a pretty big collection of penguin things because they've always been my favorite animal (ok tie with pugs!). Birthdays, xmas etc always flood in the penguin goods. I've got penguin eeeverything.
I really love flowers and plants and I've got an ok collection in my apartment, norfolk pine tree, ficus tree, lots of lucky bamboo, prayer plant..spider plants..geraniums, petunias, pretty little white and purple flowers...I also grow three kinds of mint, oregano, thyme (and soon basil and tomatoes!) I'd have a lot more edible things if I had more space :p