any ideas?
Hey I didn't really want to post in the lounge for this, but creative corner is kind of dead right now...
Well I think I'm going to start painting my bedroom wall tonight, in other words, I'm using my bedroom wall as a LARGE canvas... do you guys have any quick ideas as to what I can do as a theme? I was thinking of just doing free-style, and doing some random stuff, whatever comes to mind, but come to think of it a lot of my free-style drawings turn out kinda strangely morbid, and I doubt my parents would enjoy walking into a room covered in strange looking things... I'm thinking of actually making this more of a structured project, unlike most of the works I do... Do you guys have any ideas on what I can use as a theme? The only thing that comes to mind is a tropical theme, but I REALLY REALLY don't want my room to look like the Rainforest Cafe, but for some reason that image keeps popping up into my head every time I look at my bedroom wall.. *shudder* any advice would be great, note* I'm not doing anything pornographic, and hopefully not morbic... and no anime I'm not using WALL-PAINT, I'm using cheap acrylics so it would be easier to paint over.. also so I can do more detailed work... |
haha...nah..don't put glenda on ur walls yoko..u don't want her watching u while u sleep..
hmmm...how about looking at *all* ur art from whenever..even the ones when u were a child...find the things u love and appreciate and wouldn't mind waking up to in the morning?..cuz u don't wanna wake up to sumthing freaky rite?..=P~.. |