I was in London Drugz reading magazines and noticed this really cute girl age about 20 down the aisle checking the book racks. Then this guy who looks near 40 also notices her and it's like he's spotted a loose hundred dollar bill or something, and instantly he walks up to her and tries to get in a conversation, small talk, asks what she's shopping for, how's her day going etc etc, like it's an OBVIOUS pickup. I think he was from Europe somewhere.
It was so unbelieveable and kinda funny because there's NO WAY this is gonna work for him! The girl handled it well, didn't get pissed or wierded out, just didn't talk too much and kept browsing thru the books. So after a while the guy sees he's getting nowhere and goes away. But a few minutes later he comes back for another try and gives up again.
Funniest thing I've seen in a long time, an attempted pickup in London Drugs!