Originally Posted by aaron.young
what the fuck haha im confused. i just like her writings and the truth in some of her posts. making fun of peoples unborn children, and calling people names over FnK is quite pointless. and her writing is far above the use of cliches like "to be or not to be" - granted it was written by shakespeare. but when did i ever attack anyone anyways. people on here need to calm down and learn the difference between literal and non-literal comments :)
Ok now you just confused me, first you call yourself a reader and writer but then you call shakespeare's work cliche? ok if you really were a writer then you would know shakespeare work is anything but cliche, then to say something as stupid as " and her writing is far above the use of cliches" buddy you must be getting pussy whipped cause her work isen't nearly as good as someone as shakespeare, to compare almost the inventor of poetry to someone that is amatur and slams other peoples work because she thinks she has feelings because she is knocked up?, trust me her work isen't nothing compared to the stuff i have read. And yeah calling names is in a alot of ways pointless but then what is most pointless calling someone a whore or slaming there emotions?, so maybe you should stop trying to make it seem like your mr. good deeds cause if anything your more guilty then half the people on this thread, sometimes you have to try and grab whats down there and call yourself a man.