with technology advancing, and our expectations for games rising, i had a brain storming session with a friend about what the next step in gaming might be. We encountered a youtube clip a year old.
YouTube - Head Tracking for Desktop VR Displays using the WiiRemote
Since most games are created in 3D anyways, why wouldn't you add a peripheral like this to add a little more depth to a game. I've already seen a rendition of this in arcades!
YouTube - Day at the Arcade
Of course, there are inherent problems with a set up like this. IE: television placement. Some people have their TV's mounted up high and other may have an entertainment system. But really, the solution is a calibration process at the start of the game (like the superscope and police 911 do)
Imagine if Rainbow Six came with hardware that would make the game adjust to the movement of your head to add depth to your gameplay! I can see this being most important for surival/horror/shooter games. Now, some would say, you can't depend on hardware to sell a game. But look at games like Rockband and GH..
Think of the possibilities!