Originally posted by simplify
it doesn't make sense to me why a runway model has to be skinny. the designers could just as easily make bigger clothes. does a skinny person look better when they walk?... nope. they probably look better than a fat person, but certainly not better than a regularly sized person. whoever made up those rules, "to be a runway model you need to have a certain look and body structure", is a fucking dumbass.
The reason runway models are so skinny is because their bodies are supposed to resemble coat hangers. You know how clothes just hang off coat hangers, well runway models who are modelling clothes generally have no curves because they're supposed to be like walking coat hangers... as ridiculous as that sounds.
Initially models weren't supposed to set the standards for the rest of society, but the media began to glorify them so now women go to extreme extents to be "model thin."
I personally think Elyse is gorgeous, and she has a really cool perosonality from what I've seen of her on the show, I do think she is extremely skinny but then again a lot of the time genes determine a person's body, weight, etc.