Crouching Tiger 2001
Actually this is about the one.
I just saw this yesterday.
Bad acting, horribly bad acting.
It seems everyone has only two experssions:
Pissed off
Wide eyed, dis-belief.
Unorginal story, simply aimed at giving you a rest between the fight scenes.
The fight scenes, remind me of Crouching Tiger
In fact I rename this: Crouching Tiger 2001
What was with the end? He gets transported to a world that reminds me of Back to the future 2.
And why did he even go to that world? Why would those officals let the bad ass agent do the programing. I would said:
"You were just saying how he shouldn't be sent to his world, but we'll let you program the transporter. Wait, no... your the bad ass agent, and prolly won't send him to the right world, of course"