Originally Posted by Big Bank Hank
good job on Schulz and MIKE ....i always like it best when the whole budget is spent on 2 fresh DJs instead of spread around a bunch of washed up DJs nobody wants to see ....and first twisted rave in a long time!
Thanks for that feedback.
This time... Kamal, Harp and Azim and I wanted to do something totally fresh. Even when we were throwing names around for both rooms that was the first thing that came to mind!
Don't forget about Stereo 8 (from Fingerlickin) in the second room! -- They've also NEVER been to Vancouver before and have some major tunes out with more on the way!
The FULL line-up will be released very shortly! -- And note that in the second room we have a DJ playing that it will be there first major show playing out!!! -- STAY TUNED!