Could I inquire as to why you say this is an all ages show when the Summer'Zend website, and flyer clearly says, and I quote, "this event is 19+"?
I am just wondering for I am 18 and it would be a terrible conundrum if I were to go there and not get let in. |
Well according to the weather channel, its supposed to be overcast and fairly warm on the weekend...BUT who knows what the weather will actually be like till we get there right? So come prepared! Plus if it rains us ravers won't get so hot lol.
I dont know but I wouldn't think it would be open all night. |
SIGH****beer is so wonderful!!! cause and solution to all my problems....um as for the rain even better reason for me not to focus on raving and more on finding some ass!!!! i have to stay warm..hehehehe...and booze with warm=???? cuddles!!!! yeah thats it cuddles!!!!
i dont think he would care so much for his own stage when its probably totally going to rain but more about the booze n bitches!!!!!**hehehehe:p